Creating a default note taking application

Registered by Suraj Patil

Hey all, I am new to Elementary OS (not new to linux) and there I have tried to use many note keeping apps, and they are ugly or lack features, I wish to design and create a beautiful and feature rich note taking application which can be shipped with elementary.
Note: i am sorry if this is the wrong place to add a feature request discussion

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Suraj Patil
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Completed by
Fabian Thoma

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I was thinking of starting a project in my spare time... Maybe this is simple enough? We can discuss needed features and designs, and i can try to work on it. - Anderson

Zim is a wiki note taking app, the best I've seen in my search thus far, but it still lacks in many aspects. There is also this (python w/ vala bindings) rich text editor which can give us an idea on the layout/design: ~Nolan

The note taking app should be a refresh, I will soon post here the sketch ups as I had envisioned it.

Some points I consider to be inline to our vision to create a beautiful note taking app
1. Each note should not open in a new window
2. It should be beautiful and easy to use just like ElementaryOS
3. In the looks it can take inspiration from Google Keep android application

I was thinking of going with Google Keep as a base for design too. The idea of notes of diferent sizes organized in a mozaic pattern, maybe with some light colors like blue, yellow and red, indicating priorities? ~ Anderson

Maybe a contractor extension, so we can highlight texts in midori, for example, and send it to a new note directly? I don't even know if that's possible, but it would be a cool feature. Lastly, how should we handle a large number of notes? A scroll bar? ~ Anderson

1. Export from Midori will be cool, until midori is a full fledged browser, until then personally I will prefer using Firefox or Chromium.
2. Colors should be predefined with basic colours to distinguish notes.
3. notes should not be a m x n grid, it should be uneven like the mockup below, but polished ofcourse, I made the mockup as PoC, something to work upon.
4. Large number of scrolls will be handled by scroll bar.


I like the mockup.Clean and simple. But, the app will handle both notes and reminders? I think the last one should be handled by Maya... Maybe, again, use contractor to create the reminder in Maya?

That mockup is terrible. ~t.martykan

@t.martykan : the mockup is terrible because it was showing a PoC and not a full fledged design document, that is because I want to be sure the app will be considered as a default app for elementary before I will commit my personal time to create a full fledged prototype image, if you want to code the app and make it default for elementary then let me know, I'll squeeze some time and post a "non terrible" mockup, I am working on right now, a webservice for an android based note taking app, I didn't find the time to push my local commits to the github repo ~suraj,

Well, i liked the idea of a textbox for instantly adding a new note... But what about the title of the note? Should it be added afterwards? Finally, i think a seach function would be nice to have too, since it can quickly become cluttered with notes...

I think i'll start working on some proof of concepts tonight. If i manage to get something going, i can create a App on Launchpad. ~ Anderson

1. about the title of the note: when you click to add the note the box should expand showing a larger input box there it will have the title too
2. the notes should have a reminder option, I believe that Maya and Notes are doing two different things, Maya is to organize your calendar, Notes is to organize things that you can't fit in your calendar, so I think both should be kept independent.
3. Yes, it should have a search box, I have created a very rough mockup, I'll modify it ASAP.
4. launching it on launchpad is great, maybe you can start it like Maya was started here on the repo, that will give it more attention maybe since it is going to be designed to be preshipped with Elementary.
5. I think before you start coding we should discuss the requirements, it will save a lot of time in future, if you are open to it we can discuss it via IM or Email and post the SRS in the work items? ~suraj

I agree with discussing it over e-mail or IM. I believe the first is better, since i barely stay online on IM. I still don't agree with the reminder, but we can discuss is. As for the mockup, there should be a better way to show reminders other than the panel at the right side... I think it break the flow of the app... ~ Anderson

This is beeing worked on in a seperate project now, here: Because of that I'm closing this blueprint ~fabianthoma


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