Add the ability to scan custom ean barcodes for products at the point of sale

Registered by Gustavo Ugalde

There are products that have not EAN13 barcode, OpenERP allows to add a custom EAN13 barcode product, the proposal is to extend this method to the point of sale without having to re-label the product.

Blueprint information

Not started
Needs approval
Series goal:
Milestone target:



This is the proposal Merge at the devices.js file:

function openerp_pos_devices(instance,module){ //module is instance.point_of_sale

    // this object interfaces with the local proxy to communicate to the various hardware devices
    // connected to the Point of Sale. As the communication only goes from the POS to the proxy,
    // methods are used both to signal an event, and to fetch information.

    module.ProxyDevice = instance.web.Class.extend({
        init: function(options){
            options = options || {};
            url = options.url || 'http://localhost:8069';

            this.weight = 0;
            this.weighting = false;

            this.paying = false;
            this.default_payment_status = {
                status: 'waiting',
                message: '',
                payment_method: undefined,
                receipt_client: undefined,
                receipt_shop: undefined,
            this.custom_payment_status = this.default_payment_status;

            this.connection = new instance.web.JsonRPC();

            this.bypass_proxy = false;
            this.notifications = {};

        message : function(name,params){
            var ret = new $.Deferred();
            var callbacks = this.notifications[name] || [];
            for(var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++){

            this.connection.rpc('/pos/' + name, params || {}).done(function(result) {
            }).fail(function(error) {
            return ret;

        // this allows the client to be notified when a proxy call is made. The notification
        // callback will be executed with the same arguments as the proxy call
        add_notification: function(name, callback){
                this.notifications[name] = [];

        //a product has been scanned and recognized with success
        // ean is a parsed ean object
        scan_item_success: function(ean){
            return this.message('scan_item_success',{ean: ean});

        // a product has been scanned but not recognized
        // ean is a parsed ean object
        scan_item_error_unrecognized: function(ean){
            return this.message('scan_item_error_unrecognized',{ean: ean});

        //the client is asking for help
        help_needed: function(){
            return this.message('help_needed');

        //the client does not need help anymore
        help_canceled: function(){
            return this.message('help_canceled');

        //the client is starting to weight
        weighting_start: function(){
                this.weighting = true;
                    this.weight = 0;
                    return this.message('weighting_start');

        //returns the weight on the scale.
        // is called at regular interval (up to 10x/sec) between a weighting_start()
        // and a weighting_end()
        weighting_read_kg: function(){
            var self = this;
                return this.weight;
                        if(self.weighting && !self.bypass_proxy){
                            self.weight = weight;
                return this.weight;

        // sets a custom weight, ignoring the proxy returned value.
        debug_set_weight: function(kg){
            this.bypass_proxy = true;
            this.weight = kg;

        // resets the custom weight and re-enable listening to the proxy for weight values
        debug_reset_weight: function(){
            this.bypass_proxy = false;
            this.weight = 0;

        // the client has finished weighting products
        weighting_end: function(){
                this.weight = 0;
                this.weighting = false;

        // the pos asks the client to pay 'price' units
        payment_request: function(price){
            var ret = new $.Deferred();
            this.paying = true;
            this.custom_payment_status = this.default_payment_status;
            return this.message('payment_request',{'price':price});

        payment_status: function(){
                this.bypass_proxy = false;
                return (new $.Deferred()).resolve(this.custom_payment_status);
                return this.message('payment_status');

        // override what the proxy says and accept the payment
        debug_accept_payment: function(){
            this.bypass_proxy = true;
            this.custom_payment_status = {
                status: 'paid',
                message: 'Successfull Payment, have a nice day',
                payment_method: 'AMEX',
                receipt_client: '<xml>bla</xml>',
                receipt_shop: '<xml>bla</xml>',

        // override what the proxy says and reject the payment
        debug_reject_payment: function(){
            this.bypass_proxy = true;
            this.custom_payment_status = {
                status: 'error-rejected',
                message: 'Sorry you don\'t have enough money :(',
        // the client cancels his payment
        payment_cancel: function(){
            this.paying = false;
            this.custom_payment_status = 'waiting_for_payment';
            return this.message('payment_cancel');

        // called when the client logs in or starts to scan product
        transaction_start: function(){
            return this.message('transaction_start');

        // called when the clients has finished his interaction with the machine
        transaction_end: function(){
            return this.message('transaction_end');

        // called when the POS turns to cashier mode
        cashier_mode_activated: function(){
            return this.message('cashier_mode_activated');

        // called when the POS turns to client mode
        cashier_mode_deactivated: function(){
            return this.message('cashier_mode_deactivated');

        // ask for the cashbox (the physical box where you store the cash) to be opened
        open_cashbox: function(){
            return this.message('open_cashbox');

        /* ask the printer to print a receipt
         * receipt is a JSON object with the following specs:
         * receipt{
         * - orderlines : list of orderlines :
         * {
         * quantity: (number) the number of items, or the weight,
         * unit_name: (string) the name of the item's unit (kg, dozen, ...)
         * price: (number) the price of one unit of the item before discount
         * discount: (number) the discount on the product in % [0,100]
         * product_name: (string) the name of the product
         * price_with_tax: (number) the price paid for this orderline, tax included
         * price_without_tax: (number) the price paid for this orderline, without taxes
         * tax: (number) the price paid in taxes on this orderline
         * product_description: (string) generic description of the product
         * product_description_sale: (string) sales related information of the product
         * }
         * - paymentlines : list of paymentlines :
         * {
         * amount: (number) the amount paid
         * journal: (string) the name of the journal on wich the payment has been made
         * }
         * - total_with_tax: (number) the total of the receipt tax included
         * - total_without_tax: (number) the total of the receipt without taxes
         * - total_tax: (number) the total amount of taxes paid
         * - total_paid: (number) the total sum paid by the client
         * - change: (number) the amount of change given back to the client
         * - name: (string) a unique name for this order
         * - client: (string) name of the client. or null if no client is logged
         * - cashier: (string) the name of the cashier
         * - date: { the date at wich the payment has been done
         * year: (number) the year [2012, ...]
         * month: (number) the month [0,11]
         * date: (number) the day of the month [1,31]
         * day: (number) the day of the week [0,6]
         * hour: (number) the hour [0,23]
         * minute: (number) the minute [0,59]
         * }
        print_receipt: function(receipt){
            return this.message('print_receipt',{receipt: receipt});

        // asks the proxy to print an invoice in pdf form ( used to print invoices generated by the server )
        print_pdf_invoice: function(pdfinvoice){
            return this.message('print_pdf_invoice',{pdfinvoice: pdfinvoice});

    // this module interfaces with the barcode reader. It assumes the barcode reader
    // is set-up to act like a keyboard. Use connect() and disconnect() to activate
    // and deactivate the barcode reader. Use set_action_callbacks to tell it
    // what to do when it reads a barcode.
    module.BarcodeReader = instance.web.Class.extend({
        init: function(attributes){
            this.pos = attributes.pos;
            this.action_callback = {};

            this.action_callback_stack = [];

            this.weight_prefix_set = attributes.weight_prefix_set || {'21':''};
            this.discount_prefix_set = attributes.discount_prefix_set || {'22':''};
            this.price_prefix_set = attributes.price_prefix_set || {'23':''};
            this.cashier_prefix_set = attributes.cashier_prefix_set || {'041':''};
            this.client_prefix_set = attributes.client_prefix_set || {'042':''};

        save_callbacks: function(){
            var callbacks = {};
            for(name in this.action_callback){
                callbacks[name] = this.action_callback[name];

        restore_callbacks: function(){
                var callbacks = this.action_callback_stack.pop();
                this.action_callback = callbacks;

        // when an ean is scanned and parsed, the callback corresponding
        // to its type is called with the parsed_ean as a parameter.
        // (parsed_ean is the result of parse_ean(ean))
        // callbacks is a Map of 'actions' : callback(parsed_ean)
        // that sets the callback for each action. if a callback for the
        // specified action already exists, it is replaced.
        // possible actions include :
        // 'product' | 'cashier' | 'client' | 'discount'

        set_action_callback: function(action, callback){
            if(arguments.length == 2){
                this.action_callback[action] = callback;
                var actions = arguments[0];
                for(action in actions){

        //remove all action callbacks
        reset_action_callbacks: function(){
            for(action in this.action_callback){
                this.action_callback[action] = undefined;
        // returns the checksum of the ean, or -1 if the ean has not the correct length, ean must be a string
        ean_checksum: function(ean){
            var code = ean.split('');
            if(code.length !== 13){
                return -1;
            var oddsum = 0, evensum = 0, total = 0;
            code = code.reverse().splice(1);
            for(var i = 0; i < code.length; i++){
                if(i % 2 == 0){
                    oddsum += Number(code[i]);
                    evensum += Number(code[i]);
            total = oddsum * 3 + evensum;
            return Number((10 - total % 10) % 10);
        // returns true if the ean is a valid EAN codebar number by checking the control digit.
        // ean must be a string
        check_ean: function(ean){
+ if(ean.length !== 13){
+ ean = this.sanitize_ean(ean);
+ }
            return this.ean_checksum(ean) === Number(ean[ean.length-1]);
        // returns a valid zero padded ean13 from an ean prefix. the ean prefix must be a string.
            ean = ean.substr(0,13);

            for(var n = 0, count = (13 - ean.length); n < count; n++){
                ean = ean + '0';
            return ean.substr(0,12) + this.ean_checksum(ean);

        // attempts to interpret an ean (string encoding an ean)
        // it will check its validity then return an object containing various
        // information about the ean.
        // most importantly :
        // - ean : the ean
        // - type : the type of the ean:
        // 'price' | 'weight' | 'unit' | 'cashier' | 'client' | 'discount' | 'error'
        // - prefix : the prefix that has ben used to determine the type
        // - id : the part of the ean that identifies something
        // - value : if the id encodes a numerical value, it will be put there
        // - unit : if the encoded value has a unit, it will be put there.
        // not to be confused with the 'unit' type, which represent an unit of a
        // unique product

        parse_ean: function(ean){
            var parse_result = {
                type:'unknown', //
                base_ean: ean,
                value: 0,
                unit: 'none',

            function match_prefix(prefix_set, type){
                for(prefix in prefix_set){
                    if(ean.substring(0,prefix.length) === prefix){
                        parse_result.prefix = prefix;
                        parse_result.type = type;
                        return true;
                return false;

            if (!this.check_ean(ean)){
                parse_result.type = 'error';
            } else if( match_prefix(this.price_prefix_set,'price')){
       = ean.substring(0,7);
                parse_result.base_ean = this.sanitize_ean(ean.substring(0,7));
                parse_result.value = Number(ean.substring(7,12))/100.0;
                parse_result.unit = 'euro';
            } else if( match_prefix(this.weight_prefix_set,'weight')){
       = ean.substring(0,7);
                parse_result.value = Number(ean.substring(7,12))/1000.0;
                parse_result.base_ean = this.sanitize_ean(ean.substring(0,7));
                parse_result.unit = 'Kg';
            } else if( match_prefix(this.client_prefix_set,'client')){
       = ean.substring(0,7);
                parse_result.unit = 'Kg';
            } else if( match_prefix(this.cashier_prefix_set,'cashier')){
       = ean.substring(0,7);
            } else if( match_prefix(this.discount_prefix_set,'discount')){
       = ean.substring(0,7);
                parse_result.base_ean = this.sanitize_ean(ean.substring(0,7));
                parse_result.value = Number(ean.substring(7,12))/100.0;
                parse_result.unit = '%';
            } else {
                parse_result.type = 'unit';
                parse_result.prefix = '';
- = ean;
+ = this.sanitize_ean(ean);
+ parse_result.base_ean = this.sanitize_ean(ean);
            return parse_result;

        on_ean: function(ean){
            var parse_result = this.parse_ean(ean);

            if (parse_result.type === 'error') { //most likely a checksum error, raise warning
                console.warn('WARNING: barcode checksum error:',parse_result);
            }else if(parse_result.type in {'unit':'', 'weight':'', 'price':''}){ //ean is associated to a product
                //this.trigger("codebar",parse_result );

        // starts catching keyboard events and tries to interpret codebar
        // calling the callbacks when needed.
        connect: function(){
            var self = this;
            var codeNumbers = [];
            var timeStamp = 0;
            var lastTimeStamp = 0;

            // The barcode readers acts as a keyboard, we catch all keyup events and try to find a
            // barcode sequence in the typed keys, then act accordingly.
            $('body').delegate('','keyup', function (e){
                //console.log('keyup:'+String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode)+' '+e.keyCode,e);
                //We only care about numbers
                if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode < 58){

                    // The barcode reader sends keystrokes with a specific interval.
                    // We look if the typed keys fit in the interval.
                    if (codeNumbers.length === 0) {
                        timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
                    } else {
                        if (lastTimeStamp + 30 < new Date().getTime()) {
                            // not a barcode reader
                            codeNumbers = [];
                            timeStamp = new Date().getTime();
                    codeNumbers.push(e.keyCode - 48);
                    lastTimeStamp = new Date().getTime();
                    if (codeNumbers.length === 13) {
                        //We have found what seems to be a valid codebar
                        codeNumbers = [];
                } else {
                    // NaN
+ if (codeNumbers.length > 5){
+ self.on_ean(codeNumbers.join(''));
+ }
                    codeNumbers = [];

        // stops catching keyboard events
        disconnect: function(){
            $('body').undelegate('', 'keyup')



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