Comment 21 for bug 515507

Revision history for this message
Greg (greg-apieum) wrote :

oups sorry,

SFTP server depends on module document ( with FTP server ).

>now that in trunk you can install document_ftp separately from document

Sounds Good, but I have not tried.
I use 5.03, 5.06 and 5.07 versions of server and do not play to make upgrade every days (for free) with the risk to loose customers datas.

As I said, I saw the opened bug on launchpad and just push the work I had already done, but why opening a critical bug if we don't require module document to have SFTP ? it's just a whish.

There is few case (I know) where you need to desactivate FTP server temporarely.
One is when an enterprise wish to serve documents only when its offices are opened, another is when it close a fiscal year and have to give all documents to an external service. (Cases I've already seen)
You can effectivly uninstall module but it's easier and more secure to be able to desactivate it with config.

If you approve the change to parameter disable_ftp_server
I can take the action.
Do you need a test on differents values like : true, 1, on (case insensible) ?