Manage multiple SMS configuration

Registered by Christophe CHAUVET

On partner form, we can send SMS only by clickatell, and we can put API ID, Login, PASS every time we launch a Wizard

I think we can manage SMS Server Configuration in Administration Menu and add a possibility to add a different services (Clickatell, Skype, ...), and on partner form, only have a body message (not API ID, login/pass)

Comments ?

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I agree with this proposal.

I suggest to create a new module similar to smtpclient module in addons-extra. smtpclient module is able to define several smtp servers to send the emails, give user permissions to send emails, see statistics and history of emails sent, ...

Also the partner_spam module in addons-extra adds some interesting features to sms wizard to the sms module:
  * SMS to partners and to partner.address (contacts)
  * Choice to send SMS to all partner addresses or partner default addresses
  * Clickatell gateway to send SMS can be configured by http or by email
  * The SMS text can include special [[field]] tags to create personalized messages (they will be replaced to the the corresponding values of each partner contact):

Already Complete the Development - You can Review the Code
Already done in the Extra Addons
* smtpclient
** Allow to Configure the Multiple Email Server
** Verify the Email Address First
** Make an Statestic
** Access control on the Server to restrict the user
** Support TLS for sending email
** Override the Wizard in Partner for Spam Emails
** Support [[ object.field_name ]] for mail merging in message body + subject
** Maintain the Message Queue so Server will not be Hang while Sending Large number of Emails
** Integrated to Server Action [new feature of the OpenERP V5]

* smsclient
** Allow to Configure the Multiple SMS Gateway
** Verify the SMS Gateway
** Access control on the Server to restrict the user
** Support HTTP method for sending sms
** Override the Wizard in Partner for Send SMS
** Support [[ object.field_name ]] for mail merging in message Message Text
** Maintain the Message Queue so Server will not be Hang while Sending Large number of SMS's
** Integrated to Server Action [new feature of the OpenERP V5]


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