Current documentation for “NUnit Extended Testing Platform”

To classify a blueprint as documentation, set the Implementation status to “Informational” When the blueprint's Definition status is marked “Approved”, it will appear in this listing.

NUnitLite is intended to be a proper subset of NUnit but they periodically get out of synch. We need some way to ensure that any differences between the two are deliberate and that new framework features are automatically added to both programs by default. To ensure this, NUnitLite will be built from the NUnit sour...
Scripting Languages for NUnit Framework
Currently, NUnit uses Perl for some local developer scripts and PHP for scripts run on the web site. Future scripting tools for developers will use Ruby. Developers using them will need to install an appropriate version of Ruby or IronRuby. The current versions supported are Ruby xxxx and IronRuby xxxx. (to be supp...

2 blueprint(s) listed.