Blueprint assignments for “xena”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with xena. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

17 of 7 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
1 Undefined Add attachmentId to responses of the os-volume_attachments API 0 Approved 11 Implemented Lee Yarwood Lee Yarwood Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Allow Bochs as a display device option 0 Approved 11 Implemented Kashyap Chamarthy Kashyap Chamarthy Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Configurable Instance Hostnames 0 Approved 11 Implemented Stephen Finucane Stephen Finucane Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Support for generic mediated devices 0 Approved 11 Implemented Sylvain Bauza Sylvain Bauza Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Provide nova-manage commands to refresh block device mapping connection_info 0 Approved 11 Implemented Lee Yarwood Lee Yarwood Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Remove sqlalchemy-migrate 0 Approved 11 Implemented Stephen Finucane Stephen Finucane Balazs Gibizer
1 Undefined Add Support for SRIOV Smartnic 0 Approved 11 Implemented Xinran WANG Xinran WANG Balazs Gibizer
17 of 7 specifications