Use new enginefacade
Use the new oslo_db enginefacade in Nova, which tracks db transactions in the context object.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- John Garbutt
- Priority:
- Low
- Drafter:
- Matthew Booth
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Pavel Kholkin
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for mitaka
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- John Garbutt
- Completed by
- John Garbutt
Related branches
Please note this blueprint will delayed until the M release if it is not in the NeedsCodeReview state (with all the code up for review) before July 16th, and merged by July 30th. We expect to re-open master for the M release in September. For more information, please see: https:/
--johnthetubaguy 15th July 2015
Unapproved for liberty due to the Non-Priority Feature Proposal Freeze. --johnthetubaguy 16th July 2015
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Use legacy engineFacade from oslo_db.
Addressed by: https:/
Implement the oslo_db enginefacade proposal
Gerrit topic: https:/
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Use oslo_db.
Addressed by: https:/
Use oslo_db.
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Use oslo_db.
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'key_pair' and 'cell'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'network'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'certificate' and 'pci_device'
Addressed by: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'fixed_ip'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'service'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'compute_node'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'dnsdomain' and 'ec2'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'host_mapping'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'migration'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'provider_fw', 'console_pool' and 'console'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'flavor'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'instance_tags'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'instance'
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: enginefacade: 'security_group'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'bw_usage', 'vol_usage' and 's3_image'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'agent' and 'action'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'vif' and 'task_log'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'quota' and 'reservation'
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: enginefacade: 'server_group'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'ec2_instance', 'instance_fault' and 'project_
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: enginefacade: 'block_
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: enginefacade: 'aggregate'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'instance_metadata'
Addressed by: https:/
Remove catching of ComputeHostNotFound exception
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: test_db_api cleanup, missed decorators
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: remove 'get_session' and 'get_api_session'
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'request_spec' object
There are some tidy up patches, but marking it as complete now. --johnthetubaguy 2016.02.08
Addressed by: https:/
enginefacade: 'flavor'
Work Items
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.