Scheduling interaction for cells
In order to schedule instance builds to compute hosts Nova and the scheduler will need to take into account that hosts are grouped into cells. It is not necessary that this is apparent when Nova is requesting a placement decision.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- John Garbutt
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Andrew Laski
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Dan Smith
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for ocata
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Andrew Laski
- Completed by
- Matt Riedemann
Related branches
Related bugs
lets bump this one, doesn't seem likely for liberty now. --johnthetubaguy 27th August 2015
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Proposal for cells v2 scheduling interaction
Addressed by: https:/
Clean up filter_
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Persist the request spec during an instance boot
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Populate instance_mappings during boot.
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Add buildrequest db/object
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Create Instance from BuildRequest if not in a cell
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Add BuildRequest object
Addressed by: https:/
Create BuildRequest object during boot process
Addressed by: https:/
Change populate_
Addressed by: https:/
Improve unit tests for instance multiple create
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Make InstanceMapping
Addressed by: https:/
Include CellMapping in InstanceMapping object
So lets stop here:
Marking as needs code review and partial.
So the remaining patches that have a +W already get a FFE, so we can merge what we have reviewed. --johnthetubaguy 3rd March 2016
Re-opening this for Newton since it was partially implemented in Mitaka. We could create a new blueprint, but then we have to update the links in all of the patches, and the other bp dependencies, and the spec links, it just gets to be a mess, so I'm just going to re-open this and move forward. -- mriedem 20160317
Addressed by: https:/
Re-propose scheduling interaction for cells
Addressed by: https:/
Add BuildRequest object
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Move instance creation to conductor
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Cells: Handle delete with BuildRequest
Addressed by: https:/
Stop instance build if BuildRequest deleted
Gerrit topic: https:/
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Add BuildRequestList object
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Pull from cell0 and build_requests for instance list
Addressed by: https:/
New discover command to add new hosts to a cell
Gerrit topic: https:/
We still have work to do here so this is getting deferred to Ocata. -- mriedem 20160901
Addressed by: https:/
Add schedule_
Addressed by: https:/
Tests: improve assertJsonEqual diagnostic message
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Make schedule_
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Return build_requests instead of instances
Addressed by: https:/
Add schedule_
Addressed by: https:/
Proposal for cells v2 scheduling interaction
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
Add CellDatabase fixture
Addressed by: https:/
Refactor two nearly useless secgroup tests
Addressed by: https:/
Store security groups in RequestSpec
Addressed by: https:/
Rename security_group parameter in compute.API:create
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Transform requested secgroup names to uuids
Addressed by: https:/
Make RPCFixture support multiple connections
Addressed by: https:/
Add NeutronSecurity
Addressed by: https:/
Return list of NeutronSecurity
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Multicell support for instance listing
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
WIP Experimenting with CellDatabases test fixture
Addressed by: https:/
Add a CellDatabases test fixture
Addressed by: https:/
Reset indirection_api for each test
Addressed by: https:/
Add SingleCellSimple fixture
Addressed by: https:/
Add SecurityGroup.
Addressed by: https:/
Fix up non-cells-aware context managers in test_db_api
Addressed by: https:/
Setup CellsV2 environment in base test
Addressed by: https:/
Make servers api view load instance fault from proper cell
Addressed by: https:/
Fix non-parameterized service id in hypervisors sample tests
Addressed by: https:/
Make the SingleCellSimple fixture a little more comprehensive
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Make api_samples tests use simple cell environment
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: nova-status: implement _check_cellsv2
Addressed by: https:/
Add nova-status upgrade check command framework
Addressed by: https:/
Add basic placement status checking
Gerrit topic: https:/
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Make metadata server know about cell mappings
Addressed by: https:/
Don't bypass cellsv1 replication if cellsv2 maps are in place
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Remove duplicate BDM validation
Addressed by: https:/
WIP: Collected release notes for Ocata CellsV2
Addressed by: https:/
Revert "Move instance creation to conductor"
Addressed by: https:/
Fix non-parameterized service id in hypervisors sample tests
Work Items
Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.