Comment 16 for bug 1427060

Revision history for this message
Brin Zhang (zhangbailin) wrote :

Repeat this process, there is no such problem in the current branch, invalid bug.

[root@localhost ~]# cinder list
| ID | Status | Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| df191675-0ac1-4101-a590-7ad2f7607e89 | in-use | | 1 | lvmdriver-1 | true | ec939a46-9e1e-4126-8214-6ceb3b95676a |

[root@localhost ~]# nova volume-attach ec939a46-9e1e-4126-8214-6ceb3b95676a df191675-0ac1-4101-a590-7ad2f7607e89
ERROR (BadRequest): Invalid volume: volume df191675-0ac1-4101-a590-7ad2f7607e89 already attached (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-cb0d0d98-8035-4a9e-b055-ef515235e8aa)

MariaDB [nova_cell1]> select volume_id,volume_size,device_name,attachment_id,deleted_at from block_device_mapping where instance_uuid='ec939a46-9e1e-4126-8214-6ceb3b95676a';
| volume_id | volume_size | device_name | attachment_id | deleted_at |
| df191675-0ac1-4101-a590-7ad2f7607e89 | 1 | /dev/vda | NULL | NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)