Blueprints for newton

110 of 10 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
4 High multi-l3-backends 0 Approved 11 Implemented Kevin Benton newton-rc1
4 High vlan-aware-vms 0 Approved 11 Implemented Rossella Sblendido newton-rc1
2 Low add-neutron-extension-resource-t... 0 Approved 11 Implemented zhaobo
2 Low bgp-spinout 0 Approved 11 Implemented vikram.choudhary newton-2
2 Low keystone-v3 0 Approved 11 Implemented Dariusz Smigiel ocata-1
2 Low l3-agent-extensions 0 Approved 11 Implemented Neil Johnston newton-rc1
2 Low ml2-ovs-qos-with-dscp 0 Approved 11 Implemented Victor Howard newton-2
2 Low qos-min-egress-bw 0 Approved 11 Implemented Rodolfo Alonso newton-rc1
2 Low service-subnets 0 Approved 11 Implemented John Davidge newton-rc1
2 Low vm-without-l3-address 0 Approved 11 Implemented Carl Baldwin newton-rc1
110 of 10 results

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