Remove the Ontology

Registered by Tim Cook

The 2 purposes of the Ontology are to allow translations of strings and to allow enumeration of options for a specific entry. Since XML datatypes carry an enumeration facet this is not needed in the Ontology now. In order to accurately develop and maintain translations there is a lot of extra tool knowledge required of modelers. I propose that translations should be done on a CDD file (mindmap) and that translation creates a new CCD. This approach does not provide for immediate translation within an application of one CCD though. For example, a body weight CCD in English will be a different CCD than a body weight CCD in Portuguese or Dutch. But is this a serious issue? The CCD instance would still be usable across systems but there would not be language translation. Removing the Ontology greatly reduces the complexity of CCDs. Elements will be added to the MLHIM Meta-Data set in order to track back to the original CCD. OR XML Schemas allow for substitution groups that can handle translations. So in stead of creating a new CCD, it could be translated as the schema (CCD). This could make for some very complex CCDs though. Thoughts?

RE 17-6-2011:
I don't get what you mean with the substitution groups and the subsequent sentence, probably due to my lacking XML (Schema) knowledge. But maybe another possibility is to have something alike a Terminology Service: a Translation Service. Depending on the system-wide locale or one configured in the health care application, a corresponding translation can get obtained from that service. It seems to me that this way you need just one, not too complex, CCD.

Blueprint information

Tim Cook
Tim Cook
MLHIM Specifications Developers
Series goal:
Accepted for 2.0
Milestone target:
milestone icon 2.3.0
Started by
Tim Cook
Completed by
Tim Cook

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Also removed the OntologyEntry class.


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