
Mir 0.14.0

Mir display server 0.14.0 release

Milestone information

Daniel van Vugt
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7 Alan Griffiths, 8 Alberto Aguirre, 7 Alexandros Frantzis, 1 Andreas Pokorny, 1 Cemil Azizoglu, 3 Daniel van Vugt, 1 Kevin DuBois, 4 Robert Carr
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
32 Fix Released

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Release notes 

- ABI summary: All clients and all servers need building;
  . Mirclient ABI bumped to 9
  . Mirserver ABI bumped to 32
  . Mircommon ABI bumped to 5
  . Mirplatform ABI bumped to 8
- Enhancements:
  . mir_demo_server: tweaks, features and improvements
  . More MirEvent-2.0 related changes and unifications
  . New SurfaceInputDispatcher to replace the android InputDispatcher
  . New Threaded dispatcher for Dispatchable added
  . Rework of the relationship of surfaces and buffer streams to allow
    attaching multiple buffer streams to a surface.
  . Preparation work for new buffer semantics
  . fd leaks in tests eliminated and leak check activated for unit and
    integration tests
  . Further TSAN reported issues removed
  . Preparation work for mir-on-x: splitting of mesa platform in common
    and KMS parts
  . Further rework of input stack focused on test infrastructure
  . Persistent id request for surfaces added
  . Integration-tests cleaning: switch tests to in-process server
  . A first end-to-end input test added in privileged-tests
  . "mesa" platform renamed to "mesa-kms" (LP: #1381330)
  . [enhancement] Mir servers should allow client connections only after
    server start-up has finished (LP: #1451844)
  . build-dependency on g++-4.9 dropped (LP: #1452320)
- Bug fixes: See below.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 32 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1437357 #1437357 Crash because uncaught exception in mir::events::add_touch 2 Critical Robert Carr  10 Fix Released
1458689 #1458689 [vivid-overlay] Servers can't start - input-stub.so fails to load on i386 2 Critical Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1461314 #1461314 [vegetahd] android buffer allocator does consider hwc alignment constraints 2 Critical Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1464174 #1464174 [regression] Touch input does not work at all any more 2 Critical Robert Carr  10 Fix Released
1468029 #1468029 focus issues breaking autopilot tests entering text 2 Critical Robert Carr  10 Fix Released
1391976 #1391976 Loading libmirclient.so twice leads to a segfault in libmirprotobuf.so 3 High Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1419048 #1419048 Mir emits a mir_motion_action_hover_exit event before of a mir_motion_action_pointer_down 3 High Robert Carr  10 Fix Released
1462033 #1462033 [testsfail] NestedInput.nested_event_filter_receives_keyboard_from_host failure in CI 3 High Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1463315 #1463315 [testsfail] InputEvents.reach_nested_client in CI 3 High Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1464690 #1464690 [regression] titlebar in "canonical" example WM + KeyRepeatDispatcher causes deadlock 3 High Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1465231 #1465231 CI failure in TestClientInput.clients_receive_many_button_events_inside_window 3 High Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1465642 #1465642 mir-client-platform-mesa-dev package dependency is incorrect 3 High Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1465669 #1465669 Repeat input events keep being emitted even when user switches to different VT 3 High Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1465883 #1465883 libmirprotobuf's ABI can be broken when modifying protobuf message definitions 3 High Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1466492 #1466492 Spurious Failure in ClientLibrary.highly_threaded_client 3 High Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1466594 #1466594 failure in CI in BufferStreamArrangement.arrangements_are_applied 3 High Kevin DuBois  10 Fix Released
1474773 #1474773 Mir 0.14 bumps mirplatform ABI to 8 but symbols still versioned as "MIRPLATFORM_7" 3 High Andreas Pokorny  10 Fix Released
1294574 #1294574 Resize of nested server surfaces never reaches mir::graphics::NestedOutput - nested server always renders with original size 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1381330 #1381330 "mesa" platform is no longer accurate and needs renaming 4 Medium Cemil Azizoglu  10 Fix Released
1418035 #1418035 [arale] software buffers have flickering line artefacts 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1450377 #1450377 can't load app purchase UI without a U1 account 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1451309 #1451309 [arale] Software cursor appears slightly corrupt on arale (black spots in place of white) 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1451844 #1451844 [enhancement] Mir servers should allow client connections only after server start-up has finished 4 Medium Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1452320 #1452320 please drop build-dependency on g++-4.9 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1454128 #1454128 [regression] Dragging windows by the titlebar is incredibly slow and laggy 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1454518 #1454518 [regression] Opacity controls (Alt+mousewheel) don't work any more 4 Medium Daniel van Vugt  10 Fix Released
1457987 #1457987 [regression] Lost API for creating freestyle surfaces 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1461312 #1461312 client API version has wrong version 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1461697 #1461697 abi-dump-base make target is broken 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
1465585 #1465585 Stopping input in a nested server stops VT switching 4 Medium Alexandros Frantzis  10 Fix Released
1465692 #1465692 Pointer events are not mapped to correct output by nested Mir 4 Medium Alan Griffiths  10 Fix Released
1465915 #1465915 mir_acceptance_tests crashes: NestedServer.client_may_connect_to_nested_server_and_create_surface 4 Medium Alberto Aguirre  10 Fix Released
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