
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
man-db 2.8.5 main None
man-db 2.8.4 main None
man-db 2.8.3 main None
man-db 2.8.2 main None
man-db 2.8.1 main None
man-db 2.8.0 main None
man-db main None
man-db 2.7.6 main None
man-db 2.7.5 main None
man-db 2.7.4 main None
man-db 2.7.3 main None
man-db 2.7.2 main None
man-db 2.7.1 main None
man-db main None
man-db main None
man-db 2.7.0 main None
man-db main None
man-db 2.6.7 main None
man-db 2.6.6 main None
man-db 2.6.5 main None This release fixes a regression introduced in 2.6.4 that broke man's --warnin...
man-db 2.6.4 main None This release fixes build errors with Automake 1.13. man-db 2.6.0 arranged to...
man-db 2.6.3 main None This release fixes various build errors with glibc 2.16 and Automake 1.12. A...
man-db 2.6.2 main None Along with a small handful of bug fixes, this release makes apropos much fast...
man-db 2.6.1 main None This is mainly a bug-fix release, but also adds a cache directory tag to cat ...
man-db main None This is a bug-fix release correcting a segfault in man-db 2.6.0 and w...
man-db main None This is a quick release to correct test failures in man-db 2.6.0 in some envi...
man-db 2.6.0 main None Along with many bug fixes, this release adds support for searching the full m...
man-db 2.5.9 main None This is a quick release to correct errors in man-db 2.5.8: some systems encou...
man-db 2.5.8 main None This release reduces installation footprint by building much of man-db as sha...
man-db 2.5.7 main None Among many bug fixes, this release always saves cat pages in UTF-8 so that ca...
man-db 2.5.6 main None This is largely a bug-fix release, but also includes a new 'man -K' option to...
man-db 2.5.5 main None This is a quick bug-fix release to correct handling of non-default encodings ...
man-db 2.5.4 main None This release adds support for regular expression and wildcard searches in man...
man-db 2.5.3 main None This is a minor bug-fix release. It cleans up a number of possible crashes, m...
man-db 2.5.2 main None This is a minor bug-fix release, mainly to deal with various special cases of...
man-db 2.5.1 main None This release fixes a number of bugs with the improved localisation support ad...