Current documentation for “Lubuntu Next”

To classify a blueprint as documentation, set the Implementation status to “Informational” When the blueprint's Definition status is marked “Approved”, it will appear in this listing.

Discussion about network management applications for 17.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about Core components for 16.10 Qt version (most likely lxqt) - Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about display configuration application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about input configuration application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about look & feel (theme and stuff) application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about notification application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about panel for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about power management application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about quit application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about terminal applications for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about users management application for 16.10 Qt version Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment
Discussion about windows manager for 16.10 Qt version - Please update the whiteboard discussion section with your [name] for any comment

12 blueprint(s) listed.