Lubuntu 14.04 LTS should be as lightweight as possible
IMHO, Lubuntu 14.04 LTS should be as lightweight as possible. I'd like to see it as one of the lightest versions of Lubuntu. While it is always good to have new features with any new release, let's not forget this version will be an LTS version either will be supported for 3 years or 5 years and for that, I think it should be very lightweight. Not to mention, Lubuntu 14.04 is supposed to use X instead of MIR and no one knows what could happen after 14.04 so why not to provide a very lightweight version which will be LTS?
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- None
- Priority:
- Medium
- Drafter:
- None
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Assignee:
- Lubuntu Developers
- Definition:
- Discussion
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Blocked
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Julien Lavergne
- Completed by
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[vanyok] I would not completely agree with this proposal. We see a great speed improvement in 13.10 (thanks to zRAM and other fixes). So it works already good on relatevely old machines. Remember that currently most of the load comes from heavy applications. So from my point of view the team should focus more on user friendliness of system settings configuration tools rather that other parts (for example, visual theme or speed, which are still very important of course!).
[David Yentzen] I like the concept of keeping Lubuntu lightweight(and speedy). I am wondering if it is possible to have different installs of 14.04. For example, a default lightweight one, a min. or core install, and a fuller one with a richer range of apps.
[Noskcaj] One issue always is what is open at the default startup. If someone turns there computer on fresh from installing, none of the apps already open should be taking more than 25mb of RAM.
[gilir] It's already as lightweight as we can. If you have ideas, say them.
Work Items
Work items:
- https:/