Creating a website, make an inventory of similar project.

Registered by Jojo

I think that could be a good idea to make an inventory of every single gnu-libre-free or open-source project, to do a sort by similarity of project with information on the project like the community manager or the main contributor (plus the number of full time developer, if there is a lack of a person, the health of the project -state = current, abandoned, last updated) ...
To simplify the merge of really similar project, sometime the community behind linux and/or gnu in general might be more efficient by not dividing their forces everywhere. The pluralism of linux/gnu software is the force but also the weakness of every project, there is hundreds of distributions and projects all over the Universe. I like the diversity, and I like the project I personally dislike (Unity for example) because this is awesome. This is awesome to experiment new things, but I think there is too much of similar things going nowhere because of the lack of support or visibility. Or for example the whole web security hole (heartbleed), on openssl backed by few people but every single website was relying on it. The problem was people using it did not know what was the project and why was it crucial, the "free rider" is not a problem when comes to individual using software which it is not designed for enterprise only. But for that particular case google-apple-microsoft-facebook was using it, they don't know what open source and free software means they use the technologies and do not really care if the project is in good health or backed sometimes... And they say after "Oh this is a bad software we need to fork it to our own goods"...
To sum up, this website could be called gnufication or gnustyle, the goal is to had visibility to similar project to see each other and speak together if a merge is possible or viable and add the maximum information of the health of the project + release cycles. The aim is to easily find and search similar project to connect with or share the release cycle to concentrate the attention on little project that could make a greater one. And to know the health, wealth number of full time developer who back up the project the popularity of it. And also mean of contact or a messenger system to allow developer to speak each other, with job proposal (because a project can need new developer/designer or for marketing purpose). Plus the root (derivative, based on, not based) of the project with the goal behind and so on(the more information the better)...
I hope you like my idea, and this can be useful for a large number of people not only Ubuntu or Mint.
Plus for some who wants One login for all Linux world Ubuntu forum/mint forum/debian forum/github, not forced but for people who wants one login to rule all that could be great (so much account and password, this could be risky but the reward is great : I don't know for you but I've a lot of account and passwords to remember -if there no (or little) security threat this could be great!)
It is a bit long but I could not summarize in two words (well : centralization, communication and development).

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