Give mint tools generic names and structures

Registered by Clement Lefebvre

Tools are currently called mintSomething. The name should be localized and generic.

They also depend on each others more than they need to (GPL.txt in mintsystem for instance). They should be more independent.

Blueprint information

Needs approval
Clement Lefebvre
Series goal:
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Started by
Clement Lefebvre
Completed by
Clement Lefebvre

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1. Remove un-necessary dependencies on mintsystem
     - use existing GPL file at /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL
     - move the icon back into the individual tools
     - provide own version number

2. Unbrand the application
     - The menu item should use "Name" and "Comment" fields. No "GenericName" should be used.
     - The name of the application should not be branded.
     - The title of the windows should be the name used in the menu.

3. About dialog
     - Should use the unbranded icon used by the other windows
     - Should show the mint name (ie. "mintInstall") and its version
     - As a comment, should show the unbranded name (ie. "Software Manager").

Here's an example:

        dlg = gtk.AboutDialog()
 dlg.set_comments(_("Software manager"))
            h = open('/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL','r')
            s = h.readlines()
     gpl = ""
            for line in s:
                gpl += line
        except Exception, detail:
            print detail
        dlg.set_authors(["Clement Lefebvre <email address hidden>"])
        def close(w, res):
            if res == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL:
        dlg.connect("response", close)

4. Translations...
     - Make sure to have a makepot script which updates a pot file. The pot file can then be uploaded to Launchpad.
     - At the beginning of the code, assign the name and comment to two variables called menuName and menuComment, this way:

# i18n for menu item
menuName = _("Software Manager")
menuComment = _("Install new applications")

That ensures they both make their way into the pot file.

-- Progress --

mintInstall is completely ready.
mintMenu is completely ready.
mintUpload is completely ready.

mintUpdate is now generic and independent.
mintNanny is now generic and independent.
mintDesktop is now generic and independent.

-- Comments --

emorrp1: ok, so from what I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong), these are the necessary changes [converted to spec]:

clem: You're right about the comment, it shouldn't say the tool name, but its purpose. I suggest we take Gufw as an example. The name "mintUpdate" should only be used for the package name, the process name, the about dialog. I'll make the change now.

clem: I made the change in mintUpdate. I looked at the update-manager package from Ubuntu and decided to use the same name, genericName, and comment. I took the opportunity to copy their translations too, although in the future I'll look into automating that as well.

emorrp1: according to the gnome HIGs ( ) since our tools aren't actually called by their GenericName (i.e. the about box still shows the mintTool name) we should label them using method 2 e.g. mintUpdate Update Manager/mintUpload File Uploader ala GIMP. The only downside to this is that they'd then be grouped together under the mint moniker in mintMenu, but I believe the idea is to help users find the app, and it would be a good half-way step for upgrading users who are used to the mintTool naming i.e. best of both worlds. EDIT: nvm, see below

emorrp1: on the other hand, if you ignore the mint in the tool name, it is mostly descriptive, so could be using method 1. btw, do we want to move the tools out of the linuxmint subdirectory too, to make it more logical with them becoming independent? EDIT: using git mv for moving the files.

emorrp1: simply using the menuComment as the about comment both a) provides more information in the about box than available from the tool itself and b) solves the i18n issue automatically, with the menuName obviously being used in the title of the other windows. Also, what about the install directory (see above)?

clem: I think the directories aren't as important, maybe we should define another blueprint for them so we can track that independently and assign different priorities. For the comment, I disagree. First, some tools' comments are sentences, for instance.. in mintInstall it's "Install new applications", and that cannot go in the about dialog box... we should really put the name here in this case "Application Manager". Second, and very important point, the assignments to these two variables will be parsed by a script (similar to makepot) which will use them to automatically find the gettext translations for them and to generate the translations for Name and Comment in the .desktop files. So these assignments aren't simply to make sure the strings get into the pot file, but also to make sure we can parse them and automate the generation of the desktop file.

emorrp1: ok, done in mintUpload v3.7.2


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