Create Initial Collection of Precise based rootfs
Create initial set of precise based root file systems. This includes setting up seeds/package lists/tasks, live-build configs, live-build (updates), precise specific infrastructure packages.
Blueprint information
Related branches
[tom-gall, 2011-11-13] Initial nano image created
[tom-gall, 2011-11-21] Waiting on is request made by fabo for offspring to snapshots.l.o syncing.
[dzin, 2011-11-23] Re-target to 11.12 because of blockage.
[fboudra, 2011-12-01] Precise image are synced and debootstrap updated. I copied linaro-overlay and libpfm4 on precise serie. Unblocked.
Headline: Initial linaro images for precise are now available. This includes nano, developer, linaro-server, xfce-desktop, and ubuntu-desktop.
Acceptance: All configs are updated. Daily images are being generated. Live-build is updated as needed. Packages which are release dependent are updated.
Work Items
Work items:
Seeds syned with past oneiric seeds, like ubuntu seeks and linaro requirements : DONE
Live-helper configs are updated and synced for precise : DONE
nano image test built and test booted : DONE
development image test built and test booted: DONE
ubuntu-desktop image test built and test booted : DONE
live-built tool is synced with upstream and put into production use : DONE
base-files package is synced and in overlay PPA: DONE
linaro-overlay package is synced and in overlay : DONE
Daily builds on offspring are successful and synced to snapshots.
panda hwpack updated: DONE
[rsalveti] update SGX drivers: DONE
[rsalveti] update TILT hwpack: DONE