Hook Image Builds at LAVA

Registered by Ricardo Salveti

Currently there's no connection between the image build service (Offspring for now) and LAVA, making it hard to know which HWPack/Image combination got tested by LAVA.

This blueprint is to make sure there's a hook between both services, and a way to retrieve the test result/bundle info together with the image available at snapshots.linaro.org.

Blueprint information

Ricardo Salveti
Ricardo Salveti
Fathi Boudra
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Milestone target:
milestone icon 12.03
Started by
Fathi Boudra
Completed by
Fathi Boudra

Related branches



[rsalveti, 2012-01-02] This can be something developed with Offspring or just a script that's part of the sync between the offspring server and snapshots. Fathi or Avik, any of you want to work on this?
[fboudra, 2012-01-03] no problem, I can take it.
[rsalveti, 2012-01-23] This is probably something that can be implemented in one or two days, but as it probably depends on IS and others, I believe we should move it to 12.02.
[dzin, 2012-01-25] No progress, moving to the next cycle.
[dzin, 2012-02-03] Now planned for the backlog pending decisions about offspring.
[rsalveti, 2012-02-28] Moving it to 12.03, as it needs to be implemented even if we switch it over to Jenkins (and cross bootstrap the images)

Headline: Ubuntu LEB builds are now pushed directly to LAVA, enabling testing and validation at the moment the new image is published.
Acceptance: New image is built at the build server (offspring or jenkins) and submitted to LAVA with at least the desktop/hwpacks combinations for lebs. File with the test link (or link itself) should also be part of the snapshots download directory.


Work Items

Work items:
Discuss with Danilo/Paul L. and define the work to do: DONE
Create a job on ci.linaro.org to push the built rootfs/hwpack to LAVA: DONE
Push the results on snapshots.linaro.org: DONE

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