Port sched Test cases to Android for BL MP Project Testing.

Registered by Naresh Kamboju

big.LITTLE.MP Project test plan includes scheduler test case which should run on ubuntu and android. the existing scheduler test cases need to be ported on to Android.
scheduler test suite is to test big.LITTLE MP feature functionality and stability.

See Project deliverables for background:

Blueprint information

Alexander Sack
Naresh Kamboju
Naresh Kamboju
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Milestone target:
milestone icon 2012.11
Started by
David Zinman
Completed by
Naresh Kamboju


[nkambo Sep 5, 2012] : Update
Fix tests to return clear pass/fail status: INPROGRESS
This work item has dependency with ARM team, we are discussing on developing a framework to define PASS FAIL test case results. this is under progress.
since these test cases creates different loads, we have to have a frame work to define each test case execution on little core or big core, how much time. if both the core at what point of time the test should take switch.
According to the statistics of test case execution on each core and duration will be taken in to account to define. PASS FAIL.
Here we need a have trace tool which could trace completed test case case provide statistics of cpu, time of execution and migration time while switching.

[nkambo Sep 6, 2012] : update
scheduler test plan doc

[nkambo Sep 13, 2012] : Test plan document has been updated with Dependency column.

[nkambo Sep 13, 2012] : new three test cases have been ported to Android and shared with arm team.
[nkambo Sep 13, 2012] : Communicated with Olivier Cozette. and found an update that, Olivier and Basil are working on test case decision making for PASS FAIL.

[nkambo Sep 22, 2012] :
created an initial skeleton test suite for "sched" in private git

[nkambo Sep 22, 2012] :
work items are updated with latest status.

[nkambo Sep 24, 2012] :
Build integration request sent to android.
First time big.LITTLE MP build is happening on Android.

[nkambo Sep 27, 2012] :
New test entry "sched_tests" added in lava-android-test.

[nkambo Oct 02, 2012] :
Blocked: Since BL MP build do not have support for bl-arm-freq drivers. Without this driver we can not make logical cores to run on big and little frequencies. so test is not completed on Fastmodels.
Testing on Hardware should be done once i receive TC2 Tiles H/W.
[nkambo nov 1, 2012] :
Test Execution on Android and Test Execution on Ubuntu are blocked because of above reasons.

[nkambo nov 19, 2012]:
I have a plan to execute this test suite remote TC2 board.

[nkambo nov 23, 2012]:
test cases are missing in the bLMP open test build. the bug has been reported.
after this bug fixed. I will resume testing.

[nkambo nov 27, 2012]:
after fixing the above bug (1082270) i have resumed testing and found one more issue in building tests with new ARM patch. so i have reported one more bug

[nkambo nov 28, 2012]:
above bug has defer for future release. because it is not urgent and no android resource available for this. https://bugs.launchpad.net/linaro-big.little.mp/+bug/1083573

Android build issues will be fixed by me Naresh Kamboju

[nkambo nov 28, 2012]:
Android test build should avilable from below link
But the build Failed. due to few kernel patches are missing. bhoj will be fixing it.

[nkambo Dec 3, 2012]:

sched_tests executed on big.LITTLE MP Android image. Test results can be found at: https://pastebin.linaro.org/1170/

[nkambo Dec 3, 2012]:
postponed work item: "Test Execution on Ubuntu" will be done in new blueprint : https://blueprints.launchpad.net/linaro-qa/+spec/test-sched-tests-on-ubuntu

Roadmap id: CARD-196
Headline: sched tests have been integrated in Linaro's big.LITTLE test suite and are automatically run as part of continuous validation of big.LITTLE MP code in LAVA
Acceptance: sched tests have been ported to android and tests are automatically run in LAVA daily builds of the big.LITTLE MP project; in absence of such a build; simple instructions are available to run the test suite in one command and lava compatible result format is produced. Also, a test plan document was created and signed off by big.LITTLE MP PM.

big.LITTLE sched-test suite executed on TC2 using Android images - https://pastebin.linaro.org/1170/


Work Items

Work items:
[pwlars] create (private) git: DONE
push changes into git: DONE
Create Android.mk : DONE
Build Android Sources : DONE
create an initial skeleton test suite for "sched" in private git and post the location in the whiteboard: DONE
add Android.mk build facilities to install the test suite in android images: DONE
port lklm test cases into the sched testsuite and hook it up for building in Android.mk: DONE
complete a test build and validate that the tests are included in the build (Fix Errors and warnings) [locally] : DONE
[arm] fix tests from to produce clear pass/fail status: DONE
review and integrate pass/fail status fixes into our test suite: DONE
test that the sched test suite works properly with pass/fail locally : DONE
integrate sched test suite in big.LITTLE MP build and validate that it's properly included in the automated produced images [bhoj]: DONE
Create script to run all tests as a testsuite and schedule it for automatic execution or manual execution during daily LAVA job submission: DONE
Add lava-{android-}test wrapper to execute tests from LAVA: DONE
[vishalbhoj] Android build to be fixed. https://android-build.linaro.org/builds/~linaro-android-restricted/vexpress-jb-gcc47-armlt-tracking-open-test/ : POSTPONED
[naresh-kamboju] Test Execution on Android : DONE
Test Execution on Ubuntu : POSTPONED

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