Implement work items as first class objects in Launchpad

Registered by Guilherme Salgado

Implement work items as first class objects in Launchpad.

This is needed so that we can implement the monthly engineering views


Headline: Add support for native work items in Launchpad
Acceptance: Launchpad parses/validates work items entered by users and stores them in a structured way in its database


Work Items

Work items for 2012.02:
[mabac] Implement db-schema: DONE
[mabac] Implement model classes for new table(s): DONE
[salgado] Fix bug 888010 in an attempt to offset our new code: DONE
[salgado] Remove unused code related to TranslatableMessage from LP, in order to offset the new code we're adding: DONE
[salgado] Remove unused code related to people's locations from LP, also to offset our new code: DONE

Work items for 2012.03:
[salgado] Implement script to migrate work items from the whiteboard of blueprints: DONE
[salgado] Implement ISpecification method which takes the list of parsed work-items and update/create/delete items in the DB to match that: DONE
[mabac] Implement new UI for editing work items: DONE
[salgado] QA migration script on staging: DONE
[salgado] Get a list of the Blueprints the script failed to migrate: DONE
[salgado] Fix launchpad-work-items-tracker to use the new API property to get work items: DONE
[salgado] Notify the relevant people (BP assignee/owner) about WIs that cannot be migrated automatically: DONE

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