LAVA integration for CI dashboard

Registered by Данило Шеган

Have CI dashboard offer available tests by communicating with LAVA and prepare and submit test runs with the build output.

Blueprint information

Данило Шеган
Milo Casagrande
Stevan Radaković
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Good progress
Milestone target:
milestone icon backlog
Started by
Milo Casagrande
Completed by
Milo Casagrande

Related branches



Headline: The CI dashboard now submits tests to LAVA based on a user selection and build output, and displays the results of those tests.
Acceptance: On an individual CI loop page one can choose any of the tests available in LAVA and CI dashboard can send a build to test to LAVA.
Roadmap id: CARD-149

[pfalcon 2012-08-27] Would be nice to specify if this LAVA test selection happens on Loop level, or on individual Build level. I guess, selecting on Loop level is the default option, but maybe this BP calls for being able to select on individual Build level too?
[milo 2012-09-13] Link to LAVA docs:
[milo 2012-09-13] Link to LAVA project:
[milo 2012-09-13] Sent email to doanac and mwhudson for information
[milo 2012-09-13] Managed to install LAVA on local virtual machine
[stevanr 2012-09-14] Decided to do automatic installation of LAVA locally with pypi tool; according to LAVA documentation this is most non-interactive installation method and best suitable for our needs (
[milo 2012-09-18] Discussed with LAVA people: LAVA does not store info about tests that could be run, only ran tests.
[milo 2012-09-18] Opened bug to keep track of a preliminary solution to retrieve test names: bug 1052545
[milo 2012-09-18] Proposed merge for bug: still work in progress, tests for the lava-dashboard project do not work locally.
[stevanr 2012-09-21] Implemented LAVA installation tool using quickstart guide in
[dzin 2012-09-21] To be moved to 12.10, make low priority; we want to focus our main efforts on preparing mockup a pretty complete experience to present at connect instead of finishing backend features.
[dzin 2012-09-28] Moved to 12.10 and lowered priority
[stevanr 2012-10-02] Example job configs for LAVA:
[stevanr 2012-10-02] All available action commands for job configs and respective file location(as found in LAVA dispatcher project):
[stevanr 2012-10-09] Adding new work item for creating configuration page for LAVA authentication setup (and later for any other user-configurable settings).
[danilo 2012-10-26] Moved to 2012.11 in a post-mortem: no time to wrap this up.
[stevanr 2012-10-26] Linking the latest branch with the code to be picked up
[danilo 2012-12-04] move to backlog as agreed in post-mortem.


Work Items

Work items:
Discuss with doanac/mwhudson what LAVA offers in terms of enumerating available tests: DONE
[stevanr] Run LAVA locally for development (similar to jenkins if possible): DONE
[milo] Implement UI to choose tests for each build type when starting a new build: DONE
[stevanr] After build is complete we should run the tests that were chosen: INPROGRESS
[stevanr] Implement LAVA auth (username, token): INPROGRESS
Extend the poller to collect results from LAVA: TODO

Dependency tree

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