HDMI and hardware video bring up against 3.5 Origen kernel
We need to bring up HDMI and VIdeo Playback (MFC and FIMC) against the 3.5 kernel for Origen Board.
We do this as part of our general platform effort.
What gets produced?
A build that runs on Origen where HDMI and HW accelerated video work.
Where will the work get put?
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Started
- Approver:
- Zach Pfeffer
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Annamalai Lakshmanan
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Annamalai Lakshmanan
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for 2012q2
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- Started by
- Annamalai Lakshmanan
- Completed by
[2012/6/8 pfefferz] Put notes here.
[25/6/12 Annamalai]
1)Working on MM investigation as why video playback and HDMI are broken with latest 3.5 kernel
2) Analysed and found drivers are same and vb2 layer in kernel has changed.
3) The test applications running on linux rfs are working (HDMI and Video), need to see what can be done at Android HAL to fix this break
[3/7/12 Annamalai]
1) It is seen that when HDMI buffer is allocated to FIMC (dev-dev) the QBUF in FIMC (UPTR) does not work, pertaining to the latest changes in kernel, probably vb2 slew of patches added and not tested in this scenario, and there is also no kernel specific test case for this.
2) However, dev-dev works for a similar operation with MFC Buffer is given to FIMC, it is seen in the video playback scenario.
3)Conclusion: The kernel team needs to investigate further based on above observations, probably this is not some thing Android HAL should be changed, it was working for 3.4 updates. So this should be in-tact.
4) Need to intimate Tushar as he has done the rebasing work, he will be back in few days time and follow up with him regarding this issue related with Kernel
[2012/7/23 pfefferz] Annamalai Lakshmanan left the team
Headline: HDMI and Video Playback wotrk on Origen running 3.5
Acceptance: 1. HDMI works, 2. HW accelerated video playback works
Work Items
Work items:
Send 2 mails describing the issues: DONE
File 2 bugs on the issues and put the bug numbers in this BP: DONE
Executing Test App: DONE
VIdeo Playback: DONE