Finish deployment of seeded builds in production mode
Seeded builds were launched last milestone using pre-existing seeds. Elaborate seeded builds infrastructure and run them in full production mode.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Complete
- Approver:
- Данило Шеган
- Priority:
- High
- Drafter:
- Paul Sokolovsky
- Direction:
- Approved
- Assignee:
- Paul Sokolovsky
- Definition:
- Approved
- Series goal:
- Accepted for trunk
- Implementation:
- Implemented
- Milestone target:
- 2012.01
- Started by
- Paul Sokolovsky
- Completed by
- Paul Sokolovsky
Related branches
[pfalcon 2011-12-01]
Blog post about seeded builds: http://
[pfalcon 2011-12-05]
To prepare universal seed, we'd need a manifest which pulls in all kernels. That intersects with something Android team had in (maybe distant) plans - common manifests, from which any of currently supported boards can be built (to avoid patching multiple manifests with similar changes, etc.). I can't see such manifest currently though, no BPs. Pending discussion with Zach.
[pfalcon 2011-12-17] Universal seed, aka uniseed, which includes all the repositories we use in our builds, turned out to be 9Gb (3x the previous panda-based seed). We still have better average repo checkout with it (~8min vs ~10min), and of course much better external network utilization and server load.
Seeded builds set up to work in production mode now.
The universal seed covering most of builds we do is prepared, and automatically updated.
Work Items
Work items:
Prepare stats report on 1+ week of seeded builds running: DONE
Study status of "common manifest for all boards" work in Android team: DONE
Develop tool to merge/union several manifests into one: DONE
Prepare "universal" seed (including most of components and kernels): DONE
Test new "uniseed", assess performance comparing to older seed: DONE
Prepare report on uniseed: DONE
Write tool to automate mining data (e.g. stats) from build logs: DONE
Set up seed auto-update: DONE