Push LJT to Google AOSP
Push LJT to Google AOSP Gerrit
Blueprint information
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[tom-gall] Cyanogen review http://
wiki to test libjpeg-turbo on Android: https:/
Headline: Push libjpeg-turbo in Android instead of standard libjpeg. Libjpeg-turbo provide better performances than the standard libjpeg and has been optimize with NEON code.
Acceptance: integration of libjpeg-turbo in Android build process and usage by skia.
Output: better jpeg performances in Android
Work Items
Work items:
Sift through ICS android extentions: DONE
Reshuffle patches balancing ICS, past port : DONE
Post to appropriate android list to make aware of support: TODO
Push android updated patches upstream into ltj svn repo: TODO
Push candidate code to appropriate ASOP gerritt: TODO