Kubuntu Docs 12.04 LTS "Precise Pangolin"

Registered by David Wonderly

This is where we will track the progress of Kubuntu Docs for the 12.04 LTS release of Precise Pangolin.

Blueprint information

Kubuntu Council
David Wonderly
Series goal:
Accepted for precise
Milestone target:
Started by
David Wonderly

Related branches



Put your session notes here
 About and Welcome to be combined
 copyright notice ugly, move to footnote, add kubuntu big logo
 fix icons for kubuntu docs in khelpcentre
rename Muon to Muon Software Centre
get Muon docs in KDE git, David to get KDE commit account
screenshots online only to save space, separate bzr branch?
relabel Kickoff Application Launcher -> K-menu
KMail -> Kontact Mail
Kubuntu Project Contacts -> Contact Us

Q release: build welcome centre, plasma widget, html, pointers to upstream docs

create list of what upstream should improve in documentation
fix docbook -> HTML and put docs online
ask sysadmins for help.kubuntu.org, simple HTML space

Notes from Little Girl:

Although the development topic below is as done as I can get it:
* Please check what the latest version of Cameleon is. I left it as is, but Cameleon2 seems like its name rather than its version, since the latest version seems to be 1.9.21.
* Please check the validity of the claim that Cameleon is now a proprietary IDE for the Windows platform.
* Possibly remove all references to Gazpacho and Quanta Plus from the file because their links are dead.

Although the photo topic below is as done as I can get it:
* Please replace the outdated Gwenview screenshot it references with one taken from Precise Pangolin.


Work Items

Work items:
[david.wonderly] Merge Welcome to Kubuntu and About Kubuntu and make it the opening page: TODO
[kubuntu-members] Local file share docs need to be updated with new samba GUI: TODO
[kubuntu-members] Creating and Editing Graphics should include Krita!: TODO
[kubuntu-members] upstream - rename "Control Centre" to "System Settings" help topic (also give it the nice systemsettings icon): TODO
[kubuntu-members] Publicize Kubuntu's awesome new role in upstream docs: TODO
[kubuntu-members] Give david.wonderly access to upstream docs: TODO
[david.wonderly] about topic: TODO
[littlergirl] audio topic: DONE
[littlergirl] basics topic: DONE
[littlergirl] bugs topic : DONE
[littlergirl] cli topic : DONE
[jjesse] communication topic: TODO
[littlergirl] contribute topic: DONE
[littlergirl] desktop topic: DONE
[littlergirl] development topic: DONE
[littlergirl] games topic: DONE
[littlergirl] graphics topic: DONE
[kubuntu-members] hardware topic: TODO
[david.wonderly] index topic: TODO
[littlergirl] manage-software topic: DONE
[littlergirl] media topic: DONE
[kubuntu-members] netbook topic: TODO
[littlergirl] network topic: DONE
[littlergirl] office topic: DONE
[littlergirl] photos topic: DONE
[kubuntu-members] printing topic: TODO
[littlergirl] security topic: DONE
[littlergirl] sharing topic: DONE
[littlergirl] support topic: DONE
[kubuntu-members] tips topic: TODO
[littlergirl] video topic: DONE
[kubuntu-members] web topic: TODO

Dependency tree

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