Blueprint assignments for “queens”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with queens. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

110 of 10 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
4 High Multi-tenant Isolation in Managing the Checkpoints 0 Approved 11 Implemented jiaopengju jiaopengju chenying
4 High Support kubernetes pods with persistent volumes protection plugin 5 New 11 Implemented chenying chenying
3 Medium Support freezer protection plugin 5 New 11 Implemented jiaopengju jiaopengju
3 Medium Install kabor with using openstack ansible 5 New 1 Not started
3 Medium Register default policies in code 5 New 11 Implemented chenying chenying chenying
3 Medium Support quotas in Karbor 5 New 0 Unknown chenying
3 Medium API support verify the checkpoint 5 New 11 Implemented chenying
1 Undefined Spec:Adding-more-protection-parameters-retention-period 0 Approved 11 Implemented gengchc2 gengchc2
1 Undefined Backup volume data to bank 0 Approved 11 Implemented jiaopengju jiaopengju
1 Undefined API support copy the checkpoint 5 New 11 Implemented chenying chenying
110 of 10 specifications