Comment 1 for bug 921065

Revision history for this message
Conor Curran (cjcurran) wrote :

This happens because one of the feature requests around the slider is allow the user to click on either icon on either end to maximise or minimize the volume.
The only way i-sound then listens for this event is to subscribe to the 'value-changed' callback which when it is received will set the PA volume according to the slider position.
Because obviously the value-changed signal gets fired every time the slider moves due to user interaction or otherwise I need to filter the events to only listen to what i think are relevant (mouse click on ido icon events).

That triggers this bug. The slider at 100 and it unmuted is enough for my filtering to decide it try to set the volume to maximum.

Ideally I would like a special IDO signal for the mouse/icon click events. This would remove the need to subscribe to the value-changed signal resolving this bug.

Waiting on some feedback from Charles re the IDO signal...