Current documentation for “Gufw”
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ufw list command
for Gufw
Hello all,
I'd like to suggest implementing "ufw list" command which prints rules in the same way ufw adds them. It would simplify the usage a lot. For example:
$ ufw reject out to port 8080
Rule added
$ ufw reject out to port 8000
Rule added
$ ufw list...
It would be nice to able to edit a rule. Now you have to delete the rule(s) then add new rule(s) if you make a mistake.
Denegar Tráfico Saliente
for Gufw
Como en Firestarter,La posibilidad de bloquear todas las conexiones salientes,permitiendo solo las expresamente creadas
Monitor de conexiones
for Gufw
Veo útil poder acceder a un monitor de conexiones, bien sea en una terminal o mediante una interfaz gráfica para poder ver que conexiones estamos utilizando y cuales están bloqueadas y cuales permitidas.
Que pueda activarse de forma voluntaria, ya que si va incorporada consumirá más recursos y creo que esa no es la ...
password protection
for Gufw
with policy kit ?can we have that?
warning button
for Gufw
is it possible to let ufwgui show when it blocks ´bad traffic´/ unauthorized traffic? (changing color as a warning, or something in its lay-out)
Add a button to unlock Gufw
for Gufw
Now with dbus, it's possible to open a software as normal user, and have a button to unlock it as root like ofr example the "Network" in Ubuntu in System > Administration > Network.
Just near the close button, there is a "Unlock".
7 blueprint(s) listed.