Blueprints for future

226230 of 230 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
1 Undefined detect-docker-failures 7 Obsolete 0 Unknown Matthew Mosesohn next
1 Undefined integrate-beaker-tests 7 Obsolete 2 Deferred Dmitry Ilyin next
1 Undefined make-fuelclient-a-full-python-mo... 7 Obsolete 1 Not started Fuel Python (Deprecated) next
1 Undefined rabbitmq-pacemaker-multimaster-c... 7 Obsolete 2 Deferred Bogdan Dobrelya 7.0
1 Undefined vrde-option-in-vbox-scripts 7 Obsolete 7 Good progress Vasiliy Pleshakov
226230 of 230 results

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