System tests for backup and restore master node feature

Registered by Egor Kotko

Feature Lead: Egor Kotko
Mandatory Design Reviewers: A. Urlapova, Matthew Mosesohn, A. Sledzinskiy
Developers: A. Urlapova, Y. Kotko
QA: A. Urlapova, Y. Kotko

Scenarios to automate will be:

Pre-condition for case 1:
System test successfully passed - master node was deployed (group setup)
Case 1 - backup master node
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl backup'
2. Check that archive with backup of docker containers were created in
appropriate directory /var/backup/fuel/
3. Run ostf tests <- ! not necessary, we just setup master node, we haven't any cluster. More better add some checks for archive.

Pre-condition for case 2:
Steps from Case 1 successfully passed
Case 2 - restore master node (from previously created backup archive)
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl restore /var/backup/fuel/arch_dir/arch.lrz'
2. Run ostf tests <- ! not necessary. Let's check some predefined points (some file, list of dirs, md5sum for dir or smt.)

Pre-condition for case 3:
System test successfully passed - simple environment was deployed and all checks passed
Case 3 - backup master node on simple environment
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl backup'
2. Check that archive with backup of docker containers were created in
appropriate directory /var/backup/fuel/
3. Run ostf tests <- checks as for Case 1 + some nailgun's checkers

Pre-condition for case 4:
Steps from Case 3 successfully passed
Case 4 - restore master node on simple environment (from previously created backup archive)
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl restore /var/backup/fuel/arch_dir/arch.lrz'
2. Run ostf tests <- checks as for Case 2 + some nailgun's checkers

Pre-condition for case 5:
System test successfully passed - HA environment was deployed and all checks passed
Case 5 - backup master node on HA environment
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl backup'
2. Check that archive with backup of docker containers were created in
appropriate directory /var/backup/fuel/
3. Run ostf tests <- as for Case3

Pre-condition for case 6:
Steps from Case 5 successfully passed
Case 6 - restore master node on HA environment (from previously created backup archive)
1. Run on the master node 'dockerctl restore /var/backup/fuel/arch_dir/arch.lrz'
2. Run ostf tests - as for Case 4

Blueprint information

Nastya Urlapova
Egor Kotko
Egor Kotko
Series goal:
Accepted for future
Milestone target:
milestone icon next
Started by
Egor Kotko
Completed by
Egor Kotko

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Gerrit topic:,topic:bp/system-tests-for-backup-and-restore,n,z

Addressed by:
    System Test for Backup and restore of Fuel Master


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