Blueprints for trunk

111 of 11 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
5 Essential operator-special-function-dispatch 0 Approved 12 Informational Eike
5 Essential compiler-overview-1 4 Discussion 12 Informational
5 Essential language-overview-1 4 Discussion 12 Informational
5 Essential functions-calls-architecture 7 Obsolete 12 Informational Eike
4 High siml-special-attributes 0 Approved 11 Implemented
4 High optimizer-and-attr-checker 3 Drafting 1 Not started 0.4.1
4 High units-language-extension 3 Drafting 5 Started 0.4.2
3 Medium add-compile-time-if 0 Approved 11 Implemented Eike 0.4.0
3 Medium more-general-aa-tree 0 Approved 11 Implemented Eike 0.4.0
3 Medium better-interpreter-structure 3 Drafting 5 Started Eike
3 Medium parameterize-split-compilation 4 Discussion 1 Not started 0.4.1
111 of 11 results

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