Add Apport hooks to our packages

Registered by Sergey "Shnatsel" Davidoff

Since we use Launchpad for bug tracking, we can use Apport to enable automatic crash detection and reporting in unstable OS versions (and Glimpse too).
Misc info:
Dev docs:
Example package: plank


Implemented a generator and some sample hooks based on Plank package. voluntatefaber tried to add dconf settings dump to report with no luck, but we can live without that. --shnatsel

We will also need a retracing bot. agent00tai got the scripts set up; all we need now is to patch apport to subscribe our bot to it instead of ~apport and deploy the hooks.

Apport is patched. Hooks generated. And all the stuff landed to ISO dailies. --shnatsel

Patching Apport is not needed on Quantal and later; I've added the required fields for hooks to work there without patches. --shnatsel


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