Comment 18 for bug 813940

Revision history for this message
Eduard Gotwig (gotwig) wrote :

Here is something that may help :


Import compizprofile into /apps/compizconfig-1/profiles/pantheon

Make /apps/compizconfig-1/profiles/default an exact copy of /apps/compizconfig-1/profiles/pantheon

That should likely be changed in the template file for the gconf tree creation for each user, so new created users get that config automaticly. Also the default values for these keys should be the ones that we set, so users can easily get back to the standard behaviour.


Make /etc/compizconfig/config look like this:

backend = kconfig4
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true

backend = kconfig
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true

backend = gconf
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true
profile = pantheon

backend = ini
plugin_list_autosort = true

backend = gconf
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true
profile = pantheon

backend = gconf
integration = true
plugin_list_autosort = true
profile = unity

Please be aware that using [general_pantheon] would be the best decission, instead of using [gnome_session] .
When you do this, and it works for you, I think you can remove profile = pantheon from [gnome_session] .

Please look at the TODO part for more info about that.

what means to add profile = pantheon to the existing config file, at the end of [gnome_session] , one line over [general], which is present in Ubuntu, or create a new one.

WARNING: I dont know if we realy need this file:

Make /etc/compizconfig/pantheon.ini look like this:

s0_active_plugins = core;composite;opengl;compiztoolbox;decor;vpswitch;snap;mousepoll;resize;place;move;wall;grid;regex;imgpng;session;gnomecompat;animation;fade;workarounds;scale;expo;ezoom

Suggestion: keep both files as close as possible to that one in Ubuntu (becouse of session compatibility)

TO DO: use something like [pantheon] instead of [gnome_session] for the load of our session (Ubuntu does use something like [general_ubuntu]). Maybe that could be realized trough setting the environmental variable for compiz config profile (?) : COMPIZ_CONFIG_PROFILE='pantheon' in the start script for the session loading for pantheon.

use upgrades directory for later changes via apt-get software updates (?), please see in Ubuntu for /etc/compizconfig/upgrades as a template for that.