Theming DockbarX

Registered by Alex K

Directions and explanation regarding dockbar's theming engine:

This document describes how to write themes for dockbarx.

A dockbar theme resides in a tar.gz file. The extention is important since dockbarx finds it's themes by checking ~/.dockbar/themes and /usr/share/dockbar/themes for file with the extension tar.gz.

The .tar.gz file should consists of a config file, which informs dockbarx how the theme should look, and (optionally) a folder "/pixmap" consiting of the images (pixmaps) that the theme uses.

The config file

The config file should be written in xml-form. That means that every element must have a beginning and a end, eg. <example></example> or have an slash at the end, eg. <example />. Attribute values should always be in quotation even numbers, eg. <example question="The meaning of life" answer="42">.

This is the basic structure of the file:

<theme name = "NAME">

Nothing should be written outside of <theme></theme>. The name attribute is used in dockbarx to recognise the theme and has to be uniqe. You can't have two themes in dockbarx with the same name.

Between the <pixmaps></pixmaps> all the pixmaps used in the theme should be mentioned like this:

 <pixmap_from_file name="launcher_button" file="launcher_icon.png" />

<pixmap_from_file> is the command to use for registering the pixmaps that are packed in the theme. The name attribute is what you should use later when refering to the pixmap and the file attribute points to the file that should be loaded. In the example above the file launcher_icon.png in folder pixmaps in the theme (.tar.gz) file should be loaded. Don't forget the slash (/) in the end of the command!

<button_pixmap gap="GAP"></button_pixmap>
Between <button_pixmap> and </button_pixmap> the instructions for the group button design should be put. The gap attribute sets the gap between the buttons. Things between <button_pixmap> and </button_pixmap> is read like a programming language, top-to-bottom. Here is an example from the default theme:

<button_pixmap gap="0">
 <get_icon size="-2" />
 <if type="all_minimized">
  <transp_sat opacity="74" saturation="14" />
 <if type="mouse_over">
  <bright strenght="13" />
 <if type="launcher">
  <shrink percent="20" />
  <composite bg="self" fg="launcher_button" opacity="100"/>
 <correct_size />
 <if type="active">
  <glow color="active_color" opacity="active_opacity" />
 <if type="some_minimized">
  <pixmap_from_self name="greyed">
   <transp_sat opacity="74" saturation="14" />
  <combine degrees="90" pix1="self" pix2="greyed" />
 <if type="needs_attention">
  <pixmap name="red">
   <fill color="#FF0000" opacity="50" />
  <composite bg="red" fg="self" />

Before we look at the different commands used here, let's talk a bit about sizes. Dockbarx needs pixmaps of an certain size (or more exactly, a certain height when used in horizontal panels and a certain width when used in vertical) to work. In the config file this size is called size zero. When working on pixmaps it's not always convenient to use that size. You can specify a smaller size in get_icon (see below) by using a negative number. All sizes in the config file are relative. It's up to you to remember how far under size zero you are. An button_pixmap should always be of size zero when it's done - otherwice dockbarx tries to correct the size by adding transparent borders around the pixmap or by shrinking it. I hope this makes sense to you, if it doen't, just ignore it and simply use trial and error. ;)

<get_icon [size="-PIXELS"] /> is the command loads the icon for the program that the group button is for, eg. the firefox icon for firefox. The optional size attribute tells which size the icon should be. Size zero means that the icon is as big as the group button. A negative number means that the icon is as many pixels smaller as the number. In the example code above the icon size is two pixels smaller than the groupbutton size. Don't forget the slash (/) in the end of the command!

<if type="TYPE"></if> is the command for conditional code. The type argument can be one of the following:
 Code within <if type="all_minimized"></if> blocks will be read if the icon
 that is drawn is for a program with all windows minimized (including programs
 with only one minimized window).

 Code within <if type="some_minimized"></if> blocks will be read if the icon
 that is drawn is for a program that has some unminimized and some minimized

 Code within <if type="all_minimized"></if> blocks will be read if the mouse cursor
 the group button for which the icon is drawn.

 Code within <if type="launcher></if> blocks will be read if the group button for
 which the icon is drawn is a launcher without any open windows.

 Code within <if type="active"></if> blocks will be read if the icon
 that is drawn is for a program that has the active (fokused) window.

 Code within <if type="needs_attention"></if> blocks will be read if the icon
 that is drawn is for a program that has a window that needs attention.

<pixmap name="NAME"></pixmap>
Sometimes you want to make a new pixmap to use for compositions or combinations. You can use the <pixmap name="NAME"></pixmap> for making a new empty pixmap. The name attribute sets the name for your pixmap so that you can refer to it when you want to use it later. The size of the new pixmap is the same as them pixmap you currently are working on.

<fill color="COLOR" [opacity="OPACITY"] /> fills the entire pixmap with a color. The color should be a # and a six-digit hex number eg. "#FFFFFF" for white. The opacity should be a number between "0" and "100".

<pixmap_from_self name="NAME"></pixmap_from_self> is the same as <pixmap></pixmap> except that pixmap_from_self makes a copy of the pixmap that you are already making (usually <button_pixmap>) instead of making an empty pixmap. In the exemple above, pixmap_from_self is used to make a slightly transparent and desaturated copy of the current pixmap, that later will be combined with the original icon to make the half greyed out icon that is used for when some windows are minimized.

<bright strenght="STRENGHT" /> is pretty self-explanatory. Brightens the pixmap. Strenght goes from 0 to 100.

<shrink [percent="PERCENT"] [pixels="PIXELS"]> shrinks the pixmap as many percent and/or pixels as are given.

<transp_sat [opacity="OPACITY"] [saturation="SATURATION"] /> sets transparency and/or saturation for the pixmap. Opacity="100" means that no transparency is added while opacity="0" means a fully transparent pixmap. Likewice, saturation="100" means that no desaturation is taking place while saturation="0" gives a fully desaturated pixmap.

<glow color="COLOR" opacity="OPACITY" /> adds a glow around the pixmap. The color attribute should be a six-digit hex (eg. "#FFFFFF") or it could be a dockbarx color name (for now only "active_color" is usable). The opacity attribute goes from 0 to 100, but can also be a dockbarx opacity name (for now the only one is active_opacity).

<correct_size /> adds transparent borders around an pixmap that is smaller than size zero. In other words, the pixmap will be of size zero afterwards.

<composite bg="PIXMAP1" fg="PIXMAP2" opacity="100"/> puts the foreground pixmap (fg) on top of background pixmap (bg). A pixmap can either be a previously made pixmap (made with <pixmap></pixmap> or <pixmap_from_self></pixmap_from_self>), one of the previously loaded pixmaps (<pixmap_from_file />) or the current pixmap (simply refered to as "self"). Opacity sets the opacity of the foreground pixmap. Note: The background pixmap must NOT be smaller in size than the foreground pixmap!

<combine [degrees="90"] pix1="PIXMAP1" pix2="PIXMAP2" /> blends two pixmaps together half-by-half. A pixmap can either be a previously made pixmap (made with <pixmap></pixmap> or <pixmap_from_self></pixmap_from_self>), one of the previously loaded pixmaps (<pixmap_from_file />) or the current pixmap (simply refered to as "self"). Degrees option is not yet implemented and the value will be ignored.

<alpha_mask mask="NAME" /> is used to add an alpha mask to a pixmap. Works a bit as it does in gimp. White color doesn't change opacity at all, while black color makes the pixel completely transparent. The mask can either be a previously made pixmap (made with <pixmap></pixmap> or <pixmap_from_self></pixmap_from_self>) or one of the previously loaded pixmaps (<pixmap_from_file />). (Technicality: To speed things up a bit, only the red channel of the mask is used to decide opacity, so to be exact full red means unchanged opacity while no red means full transparency).

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Started by
Michaël Vanderheeren
Completed by
Michaël Vanderheeren

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