Engineering Steering and Board of Directors Tasks on Libreoffice 3.5

Registered by Björn Michaelsen

This blueprint covers the tasks as deputy to the Board of Directors and the engineering steering commitee tasks for the LibreOffice 3.5 release branch and the development on master as it happens in the p-cycle. Also will contain various upstream firefighting activities.

Blueprint information

Jason Warner
Björn Michaelsen
Needs approval
Björn Michaelsen
Series goal:
Accepted for libreoffice-3-5
Milestone target:
milestone icon 3.5.2
Started by
Björn Michaelsen
Completed by
Björn Michaelsen


Work items for Libreoffice-3-5:
Consolidated easy hacks dissection: DONE
Do some rotation of easy-hacks top-ten: DONE
Ask wrt. LO-infrastructure hacking php-extension to improve presentation: DONE
help integrate feature/gbuild: DONE
integrate feature/kill_set-soenv (mostly done on master, rest will be done with thefeature/soenv branch): DONE
integrate whatever is currently finished in feature/gsoc2011_wizards (taken over by mmeeks): DROPPED
lead, manage and implement gerrit migration at Libreoffice: INPROGRESS
provide binary bisect downloads for LibreOffice 3.5: DONE
review w. donkers labels patch for master and -3-5: DONE
get links to FOSDEM slides into the TDF wiki ( DONE
request to re-fix top-level 'make check' to build code first: TODO
come up with bug assignment proposal: DONE
more bibisect evangelism on the QA mailing list: DONE
Help organize LibreOffice Hackfest 2012 in Hamburg: DONE
Vitalize libreoffice-qa team with regular phone conference calls: DONE
review slowcheck patch for tail_build's Makefile: DONE
more bibisect evangelism on the QA mailing list: DONE
have call on gerrit setup with Norbert and Robert : DONE
Hamburg Hack-fest in topic of IRC channel:DONE
Hamburg Hack-fest mail the developers list: DONE

QA call work items:
Create some QA EasyHacks: DONE
Walkthrough setup at Hackfest to find out what need better docs: DONE
Propose proactive QA-CCing on ESC call: DONE
poke infra to add Rainers Blog to planet: DONE
Blog about this refering to checkbox for Ubuntu and Litmus for others: DONE
meet remotely with Florian/Rainer for bibisect tutorial: DONE


Work Items

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