Blueprint assignments for “Compass”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with Compass. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

117 of 17 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
3 Medium add progress tracking for ansible 5 New 0 Unknown meimei meimei Weidong Shao
1 Undefined Refactor adapter's config files structure and parsing functionality 0 Approved 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang Grace Yu Weidong Shao
1 Undefined Refactor integration test for progress calculator 0 Approved 0 Unknown Lei Lei Lei Lei syang1
1 Undefined Provide a script under /opt/compass/bin to download latest adapter code and templates in compass-core 0 Approved 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang Xicheng Chang Weidong Shao
1 Undefined support RedHat commercial version openstack osp 9 0 Approved 0 Unknown qingyu
1 Undefined Migrate to upstream ansible playbooks 0 Approved 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang Xicheng Chang Weidong Shao
1 Undefined compas now only have a set of scripts for its own installation. Need to contain compass modules in docker containers. Setup up an automatic image build/push mechanism for the newest changes of compass to be included in a docker image on docker registry. 4 Discussion 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang Xicheng Chang syang1
1 Undefined Research into Puppet support 4 Discussion 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang Xicheng Chang Xicheng Chang
1 Undefined support multi-controller-ha flavor in compass 5 New 0 Unknown Xicheng Chang meimei Xicheng Chang
1 Undefined Install Compass on CentOS 7 5 New 0 Unknown Paul T
1 Undefined separating compass-client from compass-core 5 New 0 Unknown carey.xu Weidong Shao
1 Undefined intergrate ironic python agent and/or ironic for hardware management 5 New 0 Unknown Jerry Zhao Jerry Zhao syang1
1 Undefined Support Ironic as OS installer 5 New 0 Unknown Grace Yu Grace Yu Weidong Shao
1 Undefined OpenStack HA support 5 New 0 Unknown Grace Yu Grace Yu Weidong Shao
1 Undefined Seperate DNS/NTP services from Compass 5 New 0 Unknown Sam Su
1 Undefined A monitoring mechanism to monitor deployed services 5 New 0 Unknown Sam Su
1 Undefined when users or developers use compass to deploy their date-centers or testbeds , they want to use a their own changes or update based their own requirements. if user-defined adapters and compass-core(primarily because user-defined compass/template is needed) can be supported by compass, it will provide great flexibility for users, they can change their own data-center configuration without reinstall compass-core. Adapters as parameter will be helpful for compass developers, when they are troubleshooting their own deployment scripts , that can reduce their development cycle. 5 New 0 Unknown chigang
117 of 17 specifications