Build history for “lgw01-8”

76150 of 11262 results
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of archivematica-storage-service 0.4.0.rc1-1~14.04 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~aboobackervyd/hfst/hfst recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of dccl3 3.0.0~rc1+DAILYDEB+297-49~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of ltsp 5.5.2~r2584+p1210+201408271732~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ltsp 5.5.0~r2584+p1194+201408271726~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~holger-seelig/titania/trunk recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~guilhem-fr/asterisk/11 recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of python-novaclient 1: in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libdvdread 5.0.0-1ubuntu1~ppa1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] ~bennabiy/ltsp/lm17 recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vlc 2.2.0~pre2-4ppa1~utopic1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 13 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of remctl 3.7-2un3~precise1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of rkward 0.6.1z+0.6.2-0daily+4143+201408271331~ubuntu10.04.1 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of no-ip 2.1.9-3~lars0 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of rbdoom3bfg in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 19 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of guvcview 2.0.0+ubuntu2~trusty~ppa1+1173-0ubuntu0~201408271246~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of libbluray 2:0.2~git20140827.1570-0ubuntu1-ppa2~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of kio-extras 4:5.0.1+git20140826.0941~73c9a30 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of mesa-lts-trusty 10.3.0-git201408261556.80771e4~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 17 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of blackchocobo 1.9.820+991~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 14 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of indi-eqmod 0.1+r35.156~ubuntu10.04.1 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of libapogee3 3.0.3+r38.156~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-asicam 0.1+r16.156~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of indi-aagcloudwatcher 1.2+r2.156~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-qhy 1.2+r61.156~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of indi-qsi 0.4.1+r53.156~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of indi-sx 1.4+r109.156~ubuntu10.04.1 in ubuntu lucid RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of alternate-file-managers in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 9 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of ibus-hangul 1.4.2-5.1~trusty0827~3beol in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~mutlaqja/+git/dummy recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] ~kicad-product-committers/kicad/product recipe build in ubuntu trusty
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of neovim 0.0.0+965+201408270846~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of ubuntu-clock-app 1.1-0~496~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] i386 build of project-manager 0.1-0~2~ubuntu0.3.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of lliurex-meta in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 13 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of golang-blackfriday 1.2+3+g7dd925f-1~utopic1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 6 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of wingpanel 0.3~r167+pkg18~ubuntu0.3.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~midori/midori/trunk recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
Translation template build for lp:~dmxe/+junk/bzr_trunk
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~librecad-dev/librecad-dev/trunk recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libretro-beetle-gba 0.9.36+r488~1~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of pinta 1.6+r884~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kscreen 0.0+git20140827.0315+neon4~b1d3887~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of project-neon5-plasma-desktop 0.0+git20140827.0313+neon4~6433614~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 10 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kinit 0.0+git20140827.0311+neon4~bc683cc~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of project-neon5-kde-baseapps 0.0+git20140827.0309+neon4~59a9822~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of project-neon5-konversation 0.0+git20140827.0307+neon4~81623bb~14.04 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] ~schooltool-owners/schooltool.gradebook/trunk recipe build in ubuntu precise
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of cinnamon-translations 2.3.0-20140827040108-utopic in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libqtxdg 0.5.3+bzr127+201408270116~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of xbmc-pvr-mythtv 1.9.20-0~412~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of nomacs 1.6.5-1~129~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 7 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of matplotlib 1.3.1-2ubuntu1~ppa0 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 hour 50 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of freeipmi 1.1.5-0~17~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 5 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of mdm 1.6.9-20140827000023-utopic in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[PRIVATE JOB] Private job
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of archivematica-common 1.2.0.beta.17~precise1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of ossec-hids-server 2.8.0-ubuntu10securityonion7 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of vdr-plugin-xmltv2vdr 0.2.0pre.git20140417-0easyVDR1~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FAILEDTOBUILD] amd64 build of libav 4:0.8.6-1ubuntu0.14.04.1~ivdr in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of vdr-plugin-span 0.0.7-0easyVDR2~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of vdr-plugin-radiolist 0.0.2-22easyVDR2~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of vdr-plugin-mlist 1.0.2-0easyVDR2~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of vdr-plugin-epgsearch 1.0.1.beta5~git20130911-1easyVDR2~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of vdr-plugin-avahi4vdr 16-1easyVDR2~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of sflphone-daemon-video 1.4.1-rc20140826~ppa4~trusty in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 10 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of backintime-qt4 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of php5.3 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.13.ppa.1trusty.40 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 36 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of oscam-svn 1.20.8435+svn201408261931~ubuntu12.04.1 in ubuntu precise RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 4 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of iucode-tool 1.0.3-2~10~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 1 minute — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of menu-cache 0.5.1+bzr188+201408261916~ubuntu14.04.1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 2 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] i386 build of deadbeef 0.6.2+git20140826-1ppa1~trusty1 in ubuntu trusty RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 8 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] amd64 build of libav 6:12~~git20140826.4e9e6fa~ubuntu14.10.1 in ubuntu utopic RELEASE
Build started and finished taking 17 minutes — see the log
[FULLYBUILT] deleted recipe build in ubuntu utopic
Build started and finished taking 3 minutes — see the log
76150 of 11262 results