Comment 11 for bug 628015

Revision history for this message
Pietro (pietro) wrote :

Hi Karl, I have done as you instructed in post #9, or something close. Per Monotasker's instructions I installed the little 11x16 icons in /usr/share/flags/countries/16x11:
$ sudo apt-get install famfamfam-flag-png
I created a softlink at ~/.icons/flags:
$ ln -s /usr/share/flags/countries/16x11 ~/.icons/flags
I enabled flags:
$ gconftool-2 --type boolean --set /desktop/gnome/peripherals/keyboard/indicator/showFlags "True"

Now I get an unchanging gray rectangle. I thought it might be the them I was using, so I cycle through Mist, Sand, Human, Human-Clearlooks, etc. They all showed that gray rectangle, or occasionally a gray rectangle with a red circle with a slash through it. I tried adjusting the gnome_settings_daemon by setting active=false, but that just made the indicator applet disappear. I tried removing all but my default keyboard, letting the indicator disappear, and then adding back another keyboard to induce its reappearance. The indicator is back, as a gray box, which does not change regardless of which keyboard is active.

I have Compiz running at is 'normal effects' setting; this is a pretty vanilla Meerkat setup.
Any ideas?