Autopilot Feature Development for 13.05

Registered by Thomi Richards

This blueprint lists work items to be completed within May 2013.

Blueprint information

Thomi Richards
Thomi Richards
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Milestone target:
milestone icon 1.3.1
Started by
Thomi Richards
Completed by
Thomi Richards

Related branches



Autopilot 1.3 is released, but there are still a number of items that are not complete. The following list is in no particular order. We should decide which features we want to target for May 2013, and make work items for them:

* Process emulator needs to be finished in 1.3, including a phablet backend. (lp:1079579)
* Documentation improvments, including the tutorial, porting document, and much, much more. (lp:1096432, lp:1168975)
* Add versioning for autopilot DBus backends, so autopilot will error when trying to connect to an incompatible backend (lp:1175409)
* (DONE)UInput device node permissions fixes (lp:1143038)
* Add 'list-cases' command to autopilot to support didrocks' workflow for Unity. (lp:1175825)
* Small changes to backend scanning code to support autopilot + ubiquity workflow. (lp:1176150)
* Re-implement process scanning in autopilot 1.3 (lp:1169358)
* Autopilot terse output format (lp:1175323)
* Mouse emulator interface improvments (lp:1174906, lp:1175328)
* Add ability to patch object attribute types (lp:1175329)
* Add search option to autopilot vis tool (lp:1097392)
* Need a mouse backend that uses UInput (lp:1169362)
* (done) Add LTTNG support to autopilot.
* Vis improvments - widget highlighting
* Build issues (qemu vs real builders, unstable ppa vs stable ppa)
* Being able to run on your desktop but be testing on the phone (client/server thingie)
* Python3 support

* Other bug fixes:
 lp:1154107 autopilot crashes on failed test
 lp:1174462 Add tests for Qt extended functions
 lp:1061939 Autopilot does not report when tests are skipped
 lp:1169396 Implement 'drag_window_to_screen' function
 lp:1175325 'autopilot run' matches too many test ids
 lp:1175665 Autopilot xml dependancy should be optional
 lp:1175327 Add an option to run tests randomly.
 lp:1176123 Autopilot should create the .idc config file if it does not exist.
 lp:1024559 Needs regular or partial matching when using run/list
 lp:1175320 Make autopilot killable


Work Items

Work items:
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Autopilot must not connect to dbus backends with wrong wire protocol version (lp:1175409): POSTPONED
[chris.gagnon] Create 1 merge proposal which improves documentation: TODO
[veebers] Create 1 merge proposal which improves documentation: TODO
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Create 1 merge proposal which improves documentation: DONE
[mzanetti] Tests for extended autopilot-qt features (lp:1174462): POSTPONED
[sergiusens] Attribute value type patching (lp:1175329): POSTPONED
[veebers] Changes required to support ubiquity (lp:1176150): POSTPONED
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Add UInput mouse backend driver (lp:1169362): POSTPONED
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Autopilot crashing on failed test - unicode issue (lp:1154107): POSTPONED
[veebers] Add list-suites command to autopilot (lp:1175825): DONE
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] contribute to autopilot porting document (lp:1168975): DONE
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Add lttng support (lp:1177612): DONE
[veebers] Add lttng support (lp:1177612): DONE
[thomir-deactivatedaccount] Older builds session for UDS: DONE
[fginther] Create a merge proposal with autopilot-gtk example: DONE
[chris.gagnon] Add mouse click_object method (lp:1175328): DONE
[chris.gagnon] Option to run autopilot tests in a random order (lp:1175327): DONE
[veebers] contribute to autopilot porting document (lp:1168975): DONE

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