ASDF 3.0 "ASDF3"

Work for ASDF3 and its pre-releases was under this milestone.

Milestone information

Code name:
Robert P. Goldman
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
16 Faré, 4 Robert P. Goldman
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
6 Won't Fix, 2 Confirmed, 15 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Catch-up: this has already been released.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 23 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1026658 #1026658 Test code can leave stale fasls 5 Low Robert P. Goldman  4 Won't Fix
1156427 #1156427 Allegro modern mode (mlisp) fails upgrade from 1.85 in 2.32.12 5 Low Faré  4 Won't Fix
479478 #479478 wanted: TEST-OP to inform caller about success or failure of test suite 6 Wishlist   4 Won't Fix
479513 #479513 wanted: :IMPLEMENTATION keyword for TEST-OP 6 Wishlist   4 Won't Fix
1083346 #1083346 unable to reliably customize asdf output translations 6 Wishlist Faré  4 Won't Fix
1120998 #1120998 Bad interaction between CCL 1.9 rc1 internal ASDF and Debian ASDF package 6 Wishlist   4 Won't Fix
1007335 #1007335 Multiple :DEPENDS-ON clauses in same DEFSYSTEM definition 5 Low Faré  6 Confirmed
543364 #543364 manual: add FAQ about .asd files and Good Style 6 Wishlist Robert P. Goldman  6 Confirmed
1116213 #1116213 please don't use one-letter nicknames (eg :d) 3 High Faré  10 Fix Released
1117466 #1117466 On ACL 8.2 ASDF excessively reloads 3 High Faré  10 Fix Released
1122896 #1122896 Setting *warnings-file-type* to NIL doesn't disable warnings saving anymore 3 High Faré  10 Fix Released
1116408 #1116408 Error when loading on SBCL without sb-eval 4 Medium Faré  10 Fix Released
1156292 #1156292 After latest update, clisp 2.49 fails two tests 4 Medium Faré  10 Fix Released
1172567 #1172567 make doc fails with texinfo-5.1 4 Medium Faré  10 Fix Released
665110 #665110 weakly-depends-on not documented 5 Low Robert P. Goldman  10 Fix Released
953489 #953489 wanted: :homepage DEFSYSTEM option 5 Low Faré  10 Fix Released
1027521 #1027521 DEFSYSTEM-DEPENDS-ON does not accept version constraints 5 Low Faré  10 Fix Released
1122226 #1122226 asdf:enable-asdf-binary-locations-compatibility breakage 5 Low Faré  10 Fix Released
1161497 #1161497 Small adjustment for robustness of run-program in LispWorks 5 Low Faré  10 Fix Released
1170029 #1170029 RUN-SHELL-COMMAND fails in SLURP-INPUT-STREAM on Allegro 8.2 5 Low Faré  10 Fix Released
1182292 #1182292 ASDF/BACKWARD-INTERFACE:RUN-SHELL-COMMAND no longer returns exit status, at least on ACL 5 Low Robert P. Goldman  10 Fix Released
485393 #485393 method definition syntax in defsystem forbids primary methods 6 Wishlist Faré  10 Fix Released
604728 #604728 wanted: don't recompile because of missing fasls 6 Wishlist Faré  10 Fix Released
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