Ubuntu Studio Quantal Miscellaneous

Registered by Scott Lavender

Miscellaneous updates for Ubuntu Studio

Blueprint information

Scott Lavender
Scott Lavender
Series goal:
Accepted for quantal
Milestone target:
milestone icon ubuntu-12.10-beta-1
Started by
Scott Lavender

Related branches




Work Items

Work items:
[zequence] - bugs - create bug team in launchpad: DONE
[zequence] - bugs - subscribe team to various bug reports: POSTPONED
[zequence] - bugs - email devel mailing list to notify of change in bug mail lists: POSTPONED
[zequence] - backports - create backports team in launchpad (is this necessary? ask micahg or knome): POSTPONED
[zequence] - backports - start backporting for 12.04 LTS - we WILL support 12.04 with backports!: POSTPONED
[zequence] - backports - explore nominating an liaison to work closely with backports team: POSTPONED
[len-ovenwerks] - color - consider replacing argyl with another application -Argyll is needed for GCM: DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - color - explore what vanilla ubuntu is using because gui is nice -gnome-color-manager (added)(ttoine again): DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - color - gui would be nice for users- GCM GUI is there-LP1037849 add to menu (ttoine again): DONE
[ubuntustudio-dev] - color - explore making a package for adobe icc - Mostly documenting (yep, i guessed it...ttoine): POSTPONED
[slavender] - seeds - verify that unwatned process daemons are not running in background (e.g. ubuntu one, bluetooth): POSTPONED
[len-ovenwerks] - seeds - add alacarte to seeds for user menu editing - tested in xfce4 ok : DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - seeds - add clip art package (openclipart) : DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - menu - move mixer applications from media playback menu to audio menu: DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - menu - fix submenu icons for accessories, education and network: DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - user -install #ubuntustudio (and other) channel by default for xchat: DONE
[ubuntustudio-dev] - user -add bookmarks to firefox (forums, help.ubuntu.com, ubuntustudio.org, youtube studio channel?, mailing lists): POSTPONED
[len-ovenwerks] - user - add "contribute to ubuntu studio" bookmark?(in info menu): DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - user - add release notes package to be included in menu(pointer to US web page instead): DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - user - add support/help menu to include release notes, links to forums, link to ubuntustudio.org, #ubuntustudio on irc via webchat): DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - user - update help menu documentation (Moved to web page) for studio: DONE
[ubuntustudio-dev] - user - See to that nautilus is default for everything (the desktop)xfce4.10 fixes this.: DONE
[len-ovenwerks] - user - Replace task-manager with Gnome's system-monitor: DONE
[smartboyhw] - testers - Write and add Ubuntu Studio post-installation testcase to ISO QA Tracker: DONE
[smartboyhw] - testers - a complete testcase rewrite: DONE
[smartboyhw] - testers - an upgrade testcase writing: DONE

Dependency tree

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