Private HWPack Builds (11.10 milestone)

Registered by Guilherme Salgado

Landing Teams work some of the time with code that they can't make public. They do wish to produce hardware packs for evaluating their work, so that they can release them as soon as the member permits it or the license permits it. In order to achieve this landing teams need a system to be able to build hardware packs without exposing them to the world (including other people in Linaro.) isn't suitable for this currently as anyone can see the builds.

Blueprint information

David Zinman
Needs approval
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Milestone target:
milestone icon 2011.10
Started by
Guilherme Salgado
Completed by
Guilherme Salgado

Related branches




Work Items

Work items:
[salgado] Add UI for setting ACLs for private projects: DONE
[salgado] Update list of projects to only show projects the user is allowed to see: DONE
[salgado] Update list of builds to only show builds the user is allowed to see: DONE
[salgado] Update list of builders to redact information about projects the user is not authorized to see: DONE
[salgado] Update failed builds sidebar to skip the ones that belong to a project the user is not authorized to see: DONE
[salgado] Update pending builds sidebar to omit details of the ones that belong to a project the user is not authorized to see: DONE
[salgado] Update build farm sidebar to omit details of the jobs that belong to a project the user is not authorized to see: DONE
[salgado] Update the views of projects and objects related to them to return a 404 when the current user is not allowed to see that project: DONE
[salgado] Update the Builder view to redact all information about private artifacts but not hide them: DONE
[salgado] Add to hwpack specification how to access private hardware packs by specifying the user/token in the archive URL: DONE
[salgado] Update RESTFul API handlers to take private objects into account: DONE
[salgado] Update Offspring UI to include a visual indication (padlock icon?) when user is looking at a private project/build/etc: DONE
[salgado] Update object lists in Offspring to also show some visual indication of private objects: DONE
[salgado] Change the project edit view to not allow a project to be made private unless it has an owner: DONE
[salgado] Change rsync jobs that copy Offspring artifacts to snapshots.l.o to copy the private ones to their ACL protected directory (RT#158): DONE
[salgado] Get a protected area on snaphosts.l.o for the ARM landing team (RT#155): DONE
[salgado] ssh-agent to be added as a requirement for Offspring installations. This is in the openssh-client package (RT#150): DONE
[salgado] Use our own dependencies repository: DONE
[salgado] Get all-python-config branch merged into trunk: DONE
[salgado] Get all-python-config-plus branch merged into trunk: DONE
[salgado] Get path-independence branch merged into trunk: BLOCKED
[salgado] Get private-projects branch merged into trunk: BLOCKED

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